THIS WEEKEND: Willy Wonka Kids – Bryant Play

“Loompa” Cast
Friday, March 21 at 7pm
Saturday, March 22 at 2pm

“Oompa” Cast
Saturday, March 22 at 7pm
Sunday, March 23 at 2pm

The front doors of Bryant will open 30 minutes before each show. Tickets will be available at the door or for pre-sale after school on Friday, March 21 near the Bryant garden (33rd Ave NE entrance).
$5 per ticket, CASH ONLY 

There will be a Bake Sale before and during each performance to support and fund the play (CASH ONLY). If you would like to further support the play, please consider donating items to the bake sale. Items can be dropped off to Bryant’s front entryway from 2:25-3:00pm on Friday 3/21 or 1 hour before each show. Please sign up here: Bryant Play Bake Sale Sign Up

Snack Time for Bryant Staff

Hello Bryant Hawks! Let’s show our teachers and staff some love and stock the staff room with snacks, treats, coffee and tea. 

We would love your help, if you are able, please click on the link below and make a purchase from the Amazon registry

Make sure to select Caitlin Hein for the shipping address. We will deliver items on Wednesday, March 19th!

Thanks so much for showing our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them.

Cheer on the Bryant Choir at a Mariners Game

The Bryant Choir will be singing the National Anthem at the Mariners game on Friday, April 25th at 6:40 p.m. The Mariners are offering discounted tickets for choir students and their supporters! That’s YOU!

We have a large block of seats reserved for the game, so order yours today and join us for some fun at the ballpark.

Visit to purchase your tickets. The deadline to purchase is Thursday, March 20.

Questions? Contact Amy Shanafelt at

Garden Work Party 3/30

Join us on March 30th from 9am-noon for a garden clean up at Bryant! We’ll start by weeding the children’s garden, and work on other areas of the school grounds if we have enough volunteers. Children are welcome to come help! Coffee and donuts provided. Please bring work gloves, and any garden tools you have handy (clippers, shovels, weeding tools, etc.), and label them if you can. 

Contact Erin Schedler at with questions.

Family Art Night – Call for Artists

Calling All Bryant Students & Parents
Be Part of the 9th Annual Family Art Night on 04/03

Kids Creative Gallery

Love to draw, paint, knit, take photographs, make things from wood, clay, or other creative materials? We would be honored to display your creative work in the Kids Creative Gallery at Family Art Night on April 25th. All mediums are welcome, 2D or 3D. Max size 11’’x17’’ / 10’’x10’’x10’’. Up to 2 pieces per student.

Hallway Busking

Do you play an instrument or like to sing? Are you interested in performing solo or with a friend or family member? We would love to have you share a song or two at one of our hallway busking stations. If you’re interested or curious, please email Bridgit at

Parent Artist Corner 

Are you a professional artist, an amateur, or just an art enthusiast? Please consider sharing your art with the Bryant community. Contact Vanya for more information on this opportunity,


Please fill out the form sent out via kid mail. Drop off your art with Karen at the front office by Thursday, March 27th.

Request for More Photos for Bryant Yearbook

Dear Bryant Elementary Families,

As we begin to prepare for this year’s yearbook, we are reaching out to ask for your help in gathering more photos to ensure we capture all the memorable moments from this school year.

We are specifically looking for additional photos from the following events:
1. First Day of School – General & Kindergarten
2. Class Parties
3. General 5th Grade Photos – We’re in need of more pictures capturing the special moments of our 5th graders
this year.
4. Playground Fun – Do you have candid playground shots of kids having fun during recess These are always a hit in the yearbook!
5. Ice Cream Social – Any pictures from the Ice Cream Social would be much appreciated.
6. Boo Bash & Dance – We’ve received some great photos, but we could always use more! If you have any additional photos from the Boo Bash or Dance, please share them.

Looking Ahead:
As we continue through the year, we’d love to gather more photos for events like field trips, classroom activities, or any other special moments you think are worth including. Please keep snapping those pictures and send them to us!

Important Deadline:
All photos for the yearbook need to be submitted by April 24th. After this date, we will not be able to accept new submissions.

Please send your photos to

Bryant Science Night 2025 Sign Up!

Calling all student scientists K-5 to join us for a fun filled night of science! Sign-up using this form ( by May 11, 2025! 

All Bryant families are also welcome to attend to see cool science presentations even if not presenting! 

Parent volunteers are also needed for help with setup/cleanup, talking about careers in STEM, and/or sharing your own favorite science demos!


PTSA General Meeting: March 11

Please join us for the next PTSA General meeting on March 11th from 7-9pm. In addition to updates on various activities of the PTSA, Dr. Marshall and teachers will provide updates on 2025-2026 school year budgeting, share specific examples of how they use student assessments and data to plan differentiated instruction, and more. Topics will include:

  • 2025-2026 Budget Discussion
  • Differentiated Math Instruction at Bryant
  • Highly Capable & Advanced Learning

Childcare will be provided by Laser. Please use the link below to register. We need at least 10 children registered to proceed with offering childcare. The PTSA will provide pizza for the kids.

Bryant Online Auction Coming Later This Month!

The Bryant Online Auction is coming March 28th-April 4th, 2025 and the auction committee is asking the Bryant community for any awesome items you might be able to donate or help procure.

The Bryant PTSA is looking for more experiences this year that they can share with their families, but any donation will be greatly appreciated. Some examples of things we’ve received in the past are:

  • Parent parties (wine tasting, family street party, masquerade party, etc.)! The sky’s the limit with this one! Be creative and bring us any/all of your ideas!
  • Unique experiences for kids and/or adults (tour a TV station, create and name a burger at a local cafe, etc.)
  • One or two night stays at cabins or vacation homes
  • Seahawks, Sounders or Mariners tickets
  • Gift cards to local restaurants, bars and pubs
  • Vacation rentals
  • Shopping and retail gift cards
  • Movie and theater tickets

The list goes on! We’re asking you to be creative and help us fill the auction with things from our local community — all in support of our amazing school. The deadline for auction item submissions is March 15th.

Ready to donate? Fill out an online donation form here with your donation and contact information, and mail the item to the school or drop it off in the front office. Remember, we need everything by March 15th!

Questions? Get in touch with us at or Thank you!