- Auction Donation Deadline: February 1
- Auction Date: March 5-12
- Online Auction Total Page Views: 24,975
- Auction Goal: $18,000 (to begin with, then upped to $28,500)
- Number of auction items/spots: 714
- Total Auction Participants: 241
- # of Bids: 1,774
- Amount Raised (approx.): $34,472
- Percentage of Goal Raised: 120%
- Total Fair Market Value of Auction Goods (390 items with FMV): $48,998.04
- Bids to Fair Market Value Ratio: 5%
Auction Analysis:
- We continued this year with the stand-alone auction week in early March; it works very well. Beneficial to allow us to promote for the auction with minimal overlap with other events.
- Auction communications were augmented this year to fully utilize all channels available: Bryant Weekly, Big List, PTSA website, PTSA Facebook, school signage and kid mail. Frequency was increased, and we garnered 37 more auction bidders this year.
- We were asked not to directly solicit teachers (not including Mr. Sanger and Ms. Pearson) for teacher experiences. In the end, we had seven teacher-sponsored events volunteered entirely on the teachers’ own accord.
- We worked to make up for a potential short-fall in revenue with the loss of teacher experiences by offering more parent experiences. We had 16 events hosted/sponsored by Bryant parents this year, which was more than last year.
- Would like to form committee in May or June so that auction committee can meet and get started in September. Some businesses require solicitation in September.
- Please include Online Auction Committee in first-day packet as a volunteer opportunity.
- We had eight active committee members this year. That was three more than 2017, but the load is still extremely large. It would be better to have 10-12 people on the committee. We could use help recruiting volunteers for next year.