Tuesday, October 13, 2015
6:58 PM
Welcome and Introduction 7:08
Approve June General meeting Minutes -Approved
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report (Lauren Abraham & Jennifer Mahlum)
Final Invoice from Public Schools for the Grant
Have final numbers from our carryover from last year and unallocated from last year
Paid teachers classroom funds, emergency preparedness supplies, afterschool coordinator - Appointments to financial review Committee (Leeann Huntington)
Wendy Sykes & Whitney Griesbach will review our books before we close them out - Fundraising chairs discuss the annual campaign (Rachel Gleeson & Kim Larsen)
Annual Campaign started 10/12 -10/23
On day 2 we’re at 30% of our goal
Pledge forms can be downloaded or picked up in the office
Special Committee Reports
Special Orders
New Business
- Approved updates to the Standing Rules
Joan Crooks motioned to approve the standing rules
Majority approved the rules
General Meeting
Dan Sanger presented how the PLC (Professional Learning Community) works at Bryant and how we can meet our goals with the current funding.
Rachel Gleeson shared the details on the #kidsnotcuts http://www.kidsnotcuts.org/-a group that is developing a strategy to put a full stop to the current staff cuts due to take effect this week.
Joan Crooks has created a Bryant Advocacy list for anyone who is interested in receiving regular updates on how we can help raise the volume on the need for Seattle Public Schools and Washington state to properly fund education. Contact Joan Crooks joan@wecprotects.orgto get added to the list,
9:30 Meeting Ajorned