Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – February 2014 *FINAL*

February 11, 2014

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Amy Shanafelt, Robin Metcalf, Meta Godsell, Ellen Gryj, Joan Crooks, Carleen Confer, Dan Sanger, Rachel Friesen, Laura Larkin, Michelle Ireton, Ann-Marie Spata, Patricia Parker, Rowena Wedemeyer, Leann West and Liza Caputo

7:01pm Welcome and Introduction, Maggie Sweeney

Approve January Board Meeting Minutes, Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt
    2014-15 Budget Committee will be Joan Crooks, Ellen Gryj, Laura Larkin, Patricia Parker, Kathy Gerke, Amy Shanafelt and Robin Metcalf.

Special Committee Reports

  1. Prioritization of Sumac Tasks, Liza Caputo

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

New Business

  1. Bell Choir, Rowena and Leann
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve up to $200 for the material to cover the tables for Bell Choir. Joan Crooks seconds.
  2. Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids, Rachel Friesen
    Joan Crooks motions to approve up to $4100 to fund the Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids programs. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  3. Art Docents, Kirsti Rochon/Karen Wren
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve additional $300 for the Art Docent Program. Ann-Marie Spata seconds.
  4. Start Dates for ASE Classes Kathy Gerke/Maggie Sweeney


  • Motion #1
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve up to $200 for the material to cover the tables for Bell Choir. Joan Crooks seconds.
  • Motion #2
    Joan Crooks motions to approve up to $4100 to fund the Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids programs. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  • Motion #3
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve additional $300 for the Art Docent Program. Ann-Marie Spata seconds.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:19pm