Normal bus service resumes Thursday


From the District

Bus service update: The one-day bus strike is over. Normal bus service for Seattle Public Schools students will resume tomorrow morning, Thurs., Nov. 30.

Although the issues are still being discussed, we are hopeful that today, Wed., Nov. 29 will be the only day Seattle families will be impacted. Families who depend on bus service will receive an email and phone message to confirm the conclusion of the one-day strike.

We recognize the inconvenience this service interruption posed to families and appreciate your patience and planning during this time.

Read more information from the District on their website.

Remember to follow Bryant’s traffic patterns

  • Do not stop or park in the bus zone (there’s still a bus coming from YMCA that is not affected by the strike).
  • Drive South on 34th and North on 33rd.
  • NO STOPPING on NE 60th in front of the school.
  • Use 34th Ave NE or 33rd Ave NE to drop-off or pick-up your children. Let’s remember to be SAFE out there!