Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – February 2018

Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2018 7:00pm
Bryant Library

Attendance: Kim Love, Julie Orazda, Nelly Goodnoe, Brita Willis, Whitney Griesbach, Sara Fenzl, Tammy Shorr, Jean Charette, Mary-Britt Love, Ann Sonnen, Michelle Ireton, Jennifer Mahlum, Kate Salisbury, Anne Alverti, Dan Sanger, Julie Pearson, Kevin Stordahl, McKenna Cowert, Sam Fogg, Ashlee Nelson, Amy Morris, Inge Schulz, Jen Drake, Greg Toledo, Kim Larsen, Sara Dunn, Amy Hughes, Adele Kulisevra, Katie Blanch, Kate Speizer

Welcome and Introductions

Approve January Meeting Minutes
Approved with corrections: December & January minutes reported the incorrect date for the Fundraising committee

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  • Treasurer’s Report (7:08 – 7:13) Brita Willis
    Completed Mid-Year financial review – addressing improved budget synopsis and improved receipts
  • Auction Report, Jen Kennedy
    8 people on Auction team.  Auction starts March 5th.
    Currently have 244 items @ $37K fair market value.
    If all parent parties sell out, will make $8000.
  • Bryant Leadership Team Kim Love
    CSIP – working through each section
  • Principal’s Report Dan Sanger
    Black Lives Matters Week – teachers met week before to discuss activities/ conversations appropriate to age
    Budgeting for next year is beginning
    Upcoming Principle Search – interviews will be held mid March.  An advisory committee made up of parents, teachers, and staff will have the opportunity to interview candidates and forward selection

Special Committee Reports

Special Orders

New Business

  •  Tech Lab printer cost Nelly Goodnoe
    Motion to move $100 from unallocated funds to support Tech service for printer cost
    Motion by Nelly Goodnoe
    Seconded by Sara Fenzel

Meeting Adjourned (7:29)

7:30 –9:00
Bryant Speaker Series: Kids and Bullying
Kathy Slattengren