- Welcome and PTSA Goals for 2019-2020
- Overview of meeting schedule
- Highlighting goals for the year, Whitney Griesbach / Ann Sonnen
- How can we make PTSA more approachable and accessible
- How we can improve the transitioning of roles: creating more of a process to transition roles, onboarding materials, etc. in order to alleviate fears of joining
- More of a partnership with the building
- Increased transparency of board
- Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes, Whitney Griesbach
- Minutes approved
- PTSA Insurance Review, Nick Barrett
- Reviewed existing insurance certificate
- We can renew October 1st (Chess club has an event the first week in December, and they need insurance certificate)
- Can we have an insurance certificate that goes longer than 12 months (e.g. 15?) so it ends at the end of the school year?
- This will be looked in to
- PTSA can’t sponsor ongoing sporting events offsite due to insurance coverage
- Treasurer’s Annual Re-cap Report, Nick Barrett
- Annual recap
- Generated $211k (primary sources are annual campaign, auction, and blast)
- $219k available for 2019-2020
- 2/3 supplements curriculum at Bryant (grants to SPS) + additional programs and reserve
- Annual recap
- Presentation of 2019-2020 Budget
- $315k, $193k for curriculum based activities/grant positions (64% of budget)
- Most of the increases due to now having to pay benefits for instructional support (actual hours have decreased in some cases)
- Bumped unallocated funds to $10k, as it was in previous years
- Added a new line item for previous years’ expenses to handle late reimbursements
- Changes between this year’s and last year’s budgets
- Decreased funding for field trips and classroom needs from $26 to $22. Decreased substitute time from 2.5 to 2 days
- Reduced Community Volunteer Coordinator role to 17 hrs/week and reduced stipend
- Increased instructional support by contract rate and added .5 FTE math support
- Will vote on budget at next meeting
- $315k, $193k for curriculum based activities/grant positions (64% of budget)
- School Supplies Review 2018, Whitney Griesbach (Sara Fenzl not present)
- Supplies cost $19k, raised $22k, also raised $5,500 for school in need. 88% of parents have paid (518 students).
- Overall a big success—one teacher said “It’s awesome”
- If we have excess, it will roll into next year’s school supplies or additional supplies during the year
- Principal’s Update, Charmaine Marshall
- School off to a great start
- Numbers continue to look good, higher than projections: 583 total.
- District undercounted enrollment going into the year
- Once this new number becomes official, we will optimistically be able to add support
- Add .5 PE hours. For example, currently .5 PE, and optimistic we’ll move it to 1
- Add 1 new teacher. Will hopefully allow us to support other classes (but not add a new 1st or 2nd grade class)
- Slow rollout of Schoology across the school
- Teacher newsletters will all be sent via new tool
- This use will hopefully increase over time
- Goal is to make Bryant a welcoming environment
- Multicultural event that will replace Winterfest this winter
- Thanksgiving-time family feast event
- Informational session for second-language parents this fall and spring
- Considering adding a second curriculum night in the spring
- Adding additional country flags for the gym—if you don’t see countries you want to be represented, reach out
- Added welcome signs to all the doors to help make it more inclusive
- Asks:
- $2000 budget request from art teacher
- Discussion of role of PTSA to fund programs
- Would have liked to have this ask in budget process at end of last year
- This is a district supported role, which traditionally have supplies supplied by district
- We do provide supplies for artist in residence
- Whitney: let’s see the final numbers for supplies, and if we do have additional funds we could use them to support this.
- In the future this should be added up front
- $2000 Principal line item: provide additional opportunities (e.g. a student that needs additional attention, or teacher conferences)
- Partial increase for literacy teacher. $1280.
- $2000 budget request from art teacher
- Committee Reports
- Fundraising
- Spring survey about what families were interested in
- 15% response rate
- 3/4 satisfied with fundraising
- 1/2 want more visibility into use of funds
- Teaching support ranked #1, tutoring and academic support #2, social and emotional support #3, and then #4 arts and culture (distant 4th)
- 3/4 said they would contribute to playground but wanted improvements to the field
- 1/2 wanted us to do more for other schools, 1/2 wanted more done for their kids
- We should continue to provide opportunities to give to other schools
- These conversations mirror those on the PTSA
- Annual campaign
- Discussion over what to do for prizes
- Spring survey about what families were interested in
- Membership
- New system, and some PTSA board members need to update their membership (board members must be members, anyone who handles cash must also be a member for insurance purposes)
- 215 paid members, 87 student members
- Volunteers
- 54 responses to volunteer interest survey. Will send to different category chairs
- Looking for mentors, Reflections the only one without volunteers
- Bryant Blast position also open
- New family orientation on 10/1, one in morning and one in evening
- Legislative
- Olivia, youth organizing for Global Climate Strike, presented information about the student-led strike on Friday 9/20
- Detailed information about legislative updates will be on FB
- Needs a separate page on the site
- Teacher Representative
- No update
- Communications
- Working on simplifying communications
- Fundraising
New Business
- Art Docent Program, Nicholas Eve
- Volunteer program where Bryant parents come into class 1x month and teach about art
- Program is making some changes this year
- Goals: increasing consistency of content and its delivery
- New curriculum, with same programs across the school
- New trainings for each unit (in person and online trainings being developed)
- Improve coverage across all the classes (previously a wide range of involvement across the classes)
- Changing from hero model of art history to studio model, with an emphasis on fundamental art lessons
- Increased amount of activity and discussion
- Will collect lots of feedback and data to understand what is/isn’t working
- Phase 1 of a 2 phase project. Phase 1 every student gets some education. Phase 2 (next year) will focus on different pathways per grade
- PTSA can help in the following ways:
- Fund artist notebooks (unlined): ~$0.89/unit
- Mirrors (for self portraits—approx 1 class worth in art docent closet)
- Battery operated lights (~$50)
- Viewfinder (helps frame drawing). $40 for transparencies
- We already have $1000 in art docent budget
- Additional new business, Whitney Griesbach
- There was a vote over email to approve funding new soccer goals
- Presentation of New Standing Rules, Whitney Griesbach
- Will vote in October
Adjourn 9:25pm