Join us on Tues, Feb 7 at 7 p.m. at Bryant Elementary Library (doors open 6:45 p.m.) for a screening and post-film discussion with 2 current Roosevelt High School students of “Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black & White” a documentary about race and education, based on the experiences of Roosevelt High School yesterday and today.
The film is a production of Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity (RARE), a Seattle non-profit formed to promote racial equity, with a focus on schools and their communities. Fifty years later, Seattle still struggles with race and diversity. Race is one of the burning issues of the day, but does your family talk about it? The topic is uncomfortable and complicated. Yet the conversations need to happen. Young people are entering an increasingly diverse world. To thrive, they must be prepared to work with people who look different or come from different backgrounds.
Doors open at 6:45 p.m., film starts at 7:00 p.m., and post-discussion with RARE volunteers from our community. Film is 30 minutes in length. Discussion 30-45 min. Bryant parents, students, and community members are welcome. Bring your friends and neighbors! Watch the 3 min trailer here: