April 1st, 10am – 12pm
We need your support to make the HIP packing party a success! Please sign-up to donate food and/or sign-up for a short, 30 minute volunteer shift. More info about all the awesome opportunities for your family to participate on Spring Service Day and Sign-Up Genius links are below. Thank you for getting involved, giving back, and helping community!
Ways to Participate:
Help put together Healthy HIP Packs for the Hunger Intervention Program
Kids and families are invited to assemble food packs in the cafeteria (no RSVP needed). Bryant’s Student Hunger Service Project is excited to bring this opportunity back for the first time since COVID!
Volunteers are needed to help the packing party run smoothly. 30 minute volunteer slots are available for adults, kids and caregiver/kid pairs.
Donate food items for the Healthy HIP Packs (food donations due by 3/30)
Please review the list of food items needed and sign up for the quantity you can donate to ensure we have the right amount for each pack.
Plant seeds and work in the Bryant Garden
Please RSVP so we know who is coming!
GARDEN WORK PARTY:Garden Work Party Sign-Up Genius
Join the Move-A-Thon activity stations
Move-A-Thon happens on the Bryant playground in support of the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance. If you would like to help plan or run the Move-A-Thon activities, please sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090d4eabad2ea1f58-moveathon#/
Donate grocery gift cards for our sister school
Cards will be distributed to their students for Spring Break. Bring $25 QFC/Kroger gift cards to the event or donate online.
We are excited to come together to build community, celebrate the beginning of spring, give back, and have fun! Donut and beverages will be provided.