Bryant Elementary PTSA Membership Guide, Spring 2024
- Bryant was founded over 100 years ago in 1919
- Bryant PTSA was incorporated over 35 years ago in 1982
- In 2018-2019, we estimate that 662 community members volunteered time at Bryant, for a total of 16,323 hours
Where we fit in the national PTA organization:
Unite our community to support the well-being of every student at Bryant
Our PTSA works to
- cultivate an inclusive community and sense of belonging at Bryant
- advocate for the well-being and education of all children in our community
- eradicate the structural racism that marginalizes our black, indigenous and people of color communities
- connect families with teachers, staff and administrators in support of our students’ social, emotional, and academic development
- enrich the learning environment through volunteerism and sustainable funding in alignment with PTSA membership priorities.
Our Goals
- Each Bryant student is thriving academically, physically, socially and emotionally
- Every member of our Bryant community feels welcome and engaged in our school
- Our school has the support of our community to achieve its goals for continuous improvement
How we work
Board of Directors
- Executive Officers
- elected at the Spring General Membership meeting
- Board Chairpersons
- appointed at the Spring General Membership meeting
Any PTSA member can be nominated for a Board position. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Attendance is mandatory for board members and optional for everyone else. The Board standing rules, budget and meeting schedule are available at under the Bryant PTSA heading.
Please see PTSA Board Position Descriptions for detailed descriptions of all Board roles.
Our budget is funded primarily by our Annual Campaign with additional support from special events, such as the online auction and the Blast carnival.
PTSA has a responsibility to speak up on behalf of children and is core to our mission: “Unite our community to support the well-being of every student at Bryant”.
Meetings, meetings, meetings… Join us!
Watch for meeting invitations in the Weekly Email!
At a monthly PTSA meeting you may hear:
- Routine business of the board
- Financial update from the Treasurers
- Information from the Principals and Building Leadership Team (BLT)
- Opportunities to advocate on behalf of our community
- Updates from committees
- New proposals, including allocation of funds and resolutions
Our three General Membership meetings include:
- All of the above, plus annual updates for:
- PTSA Budget (June)
- PTSA Exec committee elections (June)
- PTSA Standing Rules (Oct)
- Volunteer and staff recognition (June)
6 ways to connect with our community:
- Bryant’s PTSA Website
- Bryant’s SPS Website
- Sign up for Bryant emails
- – Follow us on Facebook
- Volunteer! Email
- Join us for Bryant events and volunteer orientation