1st and 2nd grade families, we are counting on YOU!

Have you heard about the Healthy HIP Pack Food Drive and Packing Party? The Bryant Student Hunger Service Project packing party for the 1st and 2nd graders and their families is Monday, 1/27 from 6:30-7:30 pm

Our goal this year is to make 250 Healthy HIP Packs during the 1st & 2nd grade Packing Party. The Hunger Intervention Program continues to see significant increases in demand for Healthy HIP Packs. They are now delivering 400-450 packs per week. The Bryant Student Hunger Service Project aims to provide a hands-on opportunity for our community to learn about and help students facing food insecurity every day in Seattle. 

How can your family help?
Contribute to the food driveFood Donation Sign-up Genius
(Drop off items in the bin by the main office or by your child’s classroom by 2pm on 1/23. All food donations need to be recorded on the sign-up so we can confirm we have the correct quantities of items.)

1. Review food items that are needed. (This List of Suggested Healthy HIP Pack Food Donations has suggestions)
2. Sign-up for the specific food items and the quantity you will donate in the Sign-up Genius link above.
3. Drop off the food at Bryant by 2pm on Thursday 1/23

Come to the packing party at Bryant on Monday 1/27 from 6:30-7:30 pm
You can also sign up to help manage one of the stations during the event: Volunteer Station Sign-up Genius

If you aren’t able to purchase food in time but looking for another option to contribute, you can provide a monetary donation which will be used to purchase additional food items to complete the list on the Food Donation Sign-up Genius:  Monetary Donation for Food Purchase

Ultimate Frisbee Sessions for Girls and Nonbinary Players at Bryant

Whether you played on the team last year, joined us for the Fall sessions, or have never touched a frisbee before, come play ultimate frisbee with us!

What: Pre-season practice sessions for girls and nonbinary students to gear up for the upcoming season, introduce the sport to new players and grow our great community. 
Who: Open to 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls and nonbinary students. No experience necessary.
Now also open to 2nd graders! 2nd graders cannot play in league games (league policy) but we would love to have 2nd grade girls and nonbinary players join us for practices to hone their frisbee skills early!
When: 1/24, 2/7, 2/28 (all Fridays) after school from 2:30-3:30
Where: Bryant school grass field
If you child goes to LASER we can bring them to LASER after ultimate

Contact coach Sam (sammyck@gmail.com) for new sign ups or with any questions.
If your child attended previously we will contact you regarding attendance for these sessions. 

Bryant Ultimate Frisbee 2025

Ultimate season is right around the corner and we are planning on another awesome year!  Sign-up via the link below. Scholarships are available. https://forms.gle/G4y6rQkxDMiXJH9i6

Practices will be on Thursdays after school at Ravenna Park, starting February 13th.
Ultimate is open to all 3rd-5th graders.

We need additional coaches to help out this year.  
If you are at all interested, please email Anthony Draye to learn more (anthony.draye@gmail.com). 

Student Hunger Service Project

The Bryant Student Hunger Service Project aims to provide a hands-on opportunity for our community to learn about and help students facing food insecurity every day in Seattle.
Nearly one-third of Seattle Public School students receive Free-and-Reduced Price Meals while they’re at school. But on the weekends and school breaks, students need extra assistance to assure that hunger isn’t an obstacle to learning during the week. Continuing Bryant’s partnership with the Hunger Intervention Program non-profit, we need your help to collect food for Healthy HIP Packs and then attend a grade level packing party where the whole family is invited to help assemble meal packs.
Contact Nina Mettler for information or to help.

Bryant After School Enrichment Program Winter Registration

Registration for Fall After School Enrichment classes will open on Sunday December 15th at noon. Class descriptions can be viewed at our web site www.seattlease.org.

Registration and payments are taken online through the site.

Registration will close December 29th.

Fall classes start January 6th.

Contact the ASE Coordinator clive@seattlease.org for further information.

Bryant Girls on the Run Program Registration Open


  • Fall 2024 Season Dates: Week of September 30th – week of November 18th, 2024
  • September 30th: Girl registration closes
  • October 7th: Refund deadline; no refunds given after this date
  • Week of November 18th: End-of-season 5K celebrations at each team’s usual practice location and time. More details to come!
  • Teams practice twice/week, Monday/Thursday 2:30-4:30pm at Bryant Playground
  • We welcome 3rd – 5th grade children who identify as girls, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming.
  • Registration and more information 
  • Email Kelord@seattleschools.org or Khsalisbury@seattleschools.org with questions.

Girls on the Run inspires individuals of all abilities to discover, build, and grow their self-confidence. Together, they experience a sense of belonging and connection as a team. Coaches facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development, including managing emotions, fostering friendships, and expressing empathy. At the end of the season, the team completes a 5K together! 

Bryant After School Enrichment Program – Fall Registration

Registration for Fall After School Enrichment classes will open on Tuesday September 10th at noon. Class descriptions can be viewed at our web site www.seattlease.org. Registration and payments are taken online through the site. Registration will close September 22nd. Fall classes start September 30th.

Contact the ASE Coordinator clive@seattlease.org for further information.

Bryant Running Club Practices Start April 26th – Everyone is Welcome!

Bryant Running Club will be open to all students, grades K-5, who are interested in running. We will meet at the Bryant playground from 2:45–3:15 on Fridays for 6 weeks. Registration will open in early April.

Interested in volunteering with the Bryant Running Club?  We are looking for more volunteers to help sign kids in/out and help facilitate activities.  If you are interested in volunteering, please email bryantrunning@gmail.com.