The Bryant After School Enrichment (ASE) Program opens this weekend for registration, at www.seattlease.org.
Classes are available to preview on the site before registration by navigating to “Classes by School”:”Bryant Elementary”:”Current”. Please note that details are not final and may change prior to the opening of registration. Please review carefully once registration opens before completing your purchase.
Registration will open at noon on Saturday April 1st and will be entirely online on a first come, first served basis. The Spring program includes classes in:
- Ceramics
- Spanish
- Found Object Art
- Minecraft
- Artist Trading Cards
- Guitar
- Art/Games for Early Dismissal
- Math
- Robotics
- Taiko Drumming
- Animutants
Classes will begin the week of April 24th and run through the last week of the school year. Most classes are scheduled from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. On Wednesdays classes start right after early dismissal.