Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – September 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
6:45 PM

Attendees: Amy Shanafelt, Kim Love, Nelly Goodnoe, Jennifer Mahlum, Rachel Schaw, Whitney Griesbach, Kim Larsen, Rachel Gleeson, Kate Speizer, Shelley Prosise, Jean Charette, Mary-Britt Love, Ann Sonnen, Michelle Ireton, Katie Salisbury, Dan Sanger, Julie Pearson, Emily Chencin, Sam Fogg, Jason Smith, Tiffany Morgan, Anna Marbury, Heidi Hager, Talia Fulgham, Nicole Hasheminejad

Welcome and Introductions

May 2016 Board Meeting Minutes-Approved

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Recap Report Jennifer Mahlum & Nelly Goodnoe
  2. Volunteer Coordinators Report Kate Speizer & Janie Booth
    • Chairs still needed
      • Bryant directory
      • Online Auction
    • Please fill out your watch forms
  3. Fundraising Chair Report (Rachel Gleeson & Kim Larsen)
    • Summary of what the PTSA funds from the annual campaign
      • Annual Campaign starts in mid-October

Special Committee Reports -None

Special Orders -None

New Business

  1. Conflict of Interest Statement -Rachel Schaw
    • Needs to be signed by all Board Members
    • Please see Nelly to sign the conflict
  2. Compliance Documents -Nelly Goodnoe
    • Needs to be signed by all Exec Board members & anyone processing money
    • Nelly will follow-up to ensure
  3. Review addendums to the standing rules (Amy Shanafelt)
    • Read the proposed changes to the PTSA Standing Rules
    • These will be up for vote in October’s meeting

Principal Report -Dan Sanger

Teacher Representative Report–PLC Tiffany Bodine

8:30 meetings adjourned

Bryant PTSA General Meeting Minutes – June 2016

Attendees: Leann Huntington, Lauren, Abraham, Jennifer Mahlum, Rachel Schaw, Kim Love, Kim Larsen, Amy Shanafelt, Julie Pearson, Dan Sanger, Sam Fogg, Tiffany Morgan, Jason Smith, Michelle Ireton, Whitney Griesbach, Mary Britt-Love, Sara Fenzl, Anna Marburg, J Fangman

March General Meeting Minutes – Approved

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  • Treasurers report
  • Legislative Update
  • Bell times task force update
    • Clive and Elaine have agreed to take over the paperwork part of the ASE class and

New Business

  1. General Membership vote to approve the 2016-2017 Budget
    • Approved by majority vote
  2. General Membership vote to approve slate for 2016 – 17 Executive Board
    • Executive Committee for 2016-17
      Co-Presidents: Amy Shanafelt and Julie Ohrazda
      Vice President: Kim Love
      Co-Treasurers: Nelly Goodnoe, and Jennifer Mahlum
      Co-Secretary: Rachel Schaw and Whitney Griesbach
    • Approved by majority vote

Volunteer awards

Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – April 2014 *DRAFT*

April 8, 2014

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Robin Metcalf, Amy Shanafelt, Meta Godsell, Anne Aliverti, Patricia Parker, Liza Caputo, Joan Crooks, Rachel Friesen, Dan Sanger, Ann-Marie Spata, Becky Mackle, Susan Roden, Leeann Huntington, Jon Tuttle, Laura Larkin, Katie Becker

7:12pm Welcome and Introduction, Maggie Sweeney

Approve February Board Meeting Minutes, Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt

Special Committee Reports

  1. Bryant Blast Leeann Huntington

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

  1. School Budget Update, Dan Sanger/Maggie Sweeney
    Dan anticipates there will be two split classes for next year: First and Second with Jessica Chon and Third and Fourth with Connie Bernard.
  2. Technology Committee/Technology Manager, Anne Aliverti
    Maggie Sweeney asked that a proposal be presented to the Board to fund this position.
  3. Monetary Class Contributions, Patricia Parker/Maggie Sweeney
    Patricia presented a proposal that would allow room parents to raise money for class parties and special events. Dan Sanger suggested asking staff for their opinions. Tabled until feedback received from staff.
  4. State of Bryant, Maggie Sweeney
    Dan Sanger and Rachel Friesen will present the second half of the State of Bryant at the May meeting.

New Business

  1. Bryant Staff Changes, Rachel Friesen
    Rachel Friesen will start her new position as Principal at Sacajawea Elementary School in July 2014
  2. Library Assistant, Anne Aliverti
    Anne presented current library trends and Library Assistant description

Meeting Adjourned at 8:57pm

Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – March 2014 *DRAFT*

March 11, 2014

Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Robin Metcalf, Amy Shanafelt, Laura Larkin, Carleen Confer, Ann-Marie Spata, Liza Caputo, Rachel Friesen, Dan Sanger, Kim Larsen, April Wright, Ellen Gryj, Joan Crooks, Chantelle Dykstra, Michelle Ireton, Kathy Hughes and Layla Taylor

7:00 pm Welcome and Introductions Maggie Sweeney

Approve October General Board Meeting Minutes Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt

Special Committee Reports

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

  1. Islandwood budgeting discussion
    Will be on the agenda for the March Budget Meeting.

New Business

  1. Science Fair Maggie Sweeney
    Joan Crooks motions to approve an additional $300 to the science fair budget. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  2. Board transitions Maggie Sweeney
    Robin Metcalf and Kathy Gerke will be resigning from the board at the end of the school year.
  3. Process for monetary collections for class/class events Maggie Sweeney
    Maggie will ask Patricia Parker to draft a policy for this and present it at the April Board Meeting.
  4. State of the School Dan Sanger and Rachel Friesen
    Dan Sanger discusses the culture of the school and the budget process. Meghan Delaney motions to pledge up to $26,450 to help fund the Reading Specialist/Instructional Support. Joan Crooks seconded.


  • Motion #1
    Joan Crooks motions to approve an additional $300 to the science fair budget. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  • Motion #2
    Meghan Delaney motions to pledge up to $26,450 to help fund the Reading Specialist/Instructional Support. Joan Crooks seconded.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:12 pm.

Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – February 2014 *FINAL*

February 11, 2014

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Amy Shanafelt, Robin Metcalf, Meta Godsell, Ellen Gryj, Joan Crooks, Carleen Confer, Dan Sanger, Rachel Friesen, Laura Larkin, Michelle Ireton, Ann-Marie Spata, Patricia Parker, Rowena Wedemeyer, Leann West and Liza Caputo

7:01pm Welcome and Introduction, Maggie Sweeney

Approve January Board Meeting Minutes, Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt
    2014-15 Budget Committee will be Joan Crooks, Ellen Gryj, Laura Larkin, Patricia Parker, Kathy Gerke, Amy Shanafelt and Robin Metcalf.

Special Committee Reports

  1. Prioritization of Sumac Tasks, Liza Caputo

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

New Business

  1. Bell Choir, Rowena and Leann
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve up to $200 for the material to cover the tables for Bell Choir. Joan Crooks seconds.
  2. Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids, Rachel Friesen
    Joan Crooks motions to approve up to $4100 to fund the Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids programs. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  3. Art Docents, Kirsti Rochon/Karen Wren
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve additional $300 for the Art Docent Program. Ann-Marie Spata seconds.
  4. Start Dates for ASE Classes Kathy Gerke/Maggie Sweeney


  • Motion #1
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve up to $200 for the material to cover the tables for Bell Choir. Joan Crooks seconds.
  • Motion #2
    Joan Crooks motions to approve up to $4100 to fund the Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids programs. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  • Motion #3
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve additional $300 for the Art Docent Program. Ann-Marie Spata seconds.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:19pm

Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – January 2014 *FINAL*

January 14, 2014

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Robin Metcalf, Amy Shanafelt, Meta Godsell, Meghan Delaney, Carleen Confer, Kathy Weinman, Tate Loften, Patricia Parker, Dan Sanger, Kim Larsen, Joan Crooks, Liza Caputo, Ann-Marie Spata, Laura Larkin, Layla Taylor, Christine Haas, Kathy Hughes, Becky Mackle and Allison Broadgate

7:10pm Welcome and Introduction Maggie Sweeney

Approve December Board Meeting Minutes Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt

Special Committee Reports

  1. Online Database Options, Patricia Parker & Sumac Subcommittee Amy Shanafelt motions to increase the fundraising software budget by $1600 to cover the additional cost to upgrade Sumac for the fiscal year of 2013-14. Kathy Hughes seconded.
  2. Legistlative Report, Joan Crooks Joan gives an update of current issues in Olympia with education funding.
  3. Arts Committee Update, Maggie Sweeney

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

New Business

  1. Hip Hop, Kathy Weinman Kathy will take unused Whistle Stop funds and use them for the Hip Hop program, which will provide the hip hop program for every student this year.
  2. Family Dance Night, Layla Taylor Layla is requesting $150 for Chris Daigrae to lead another Family Dance Night. Layla has offered to Chair this event. Joan Crooks motions to allocate $150 for Family Dance night and Robin Metcalf seconded.


  • Motion #1
    Amy Shanafelt motions to increase the fundraising software budget by $1600 to cover the additional cost to upgrade Sumac for the fiscal year of 2013-14. Kathy Hughes seconded.
  • Motion #2
    Joan Crooks motions to allocate $150 for Family Dance night and Robin Metcalf seconded.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:27pm

Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – December 2013 *FINAL*

December 10, 2013

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Robin Metcalf, Amy Shanafelt, Meta Godsell, Carleen Confer, Ellen Gryj, Rachel Friesen, Christine Haas, Balika Haakavson, Ann-Marie Spata, Laura Larkin, Mikhaila Rendink, Kim D. Whitmore, Liza Caputo, Joan Crooks, Becky Mackle, Russell Hank, April Wright, Katie Becker, Patricia Parker, Marilyn Sportswood, Patty Carrie, Jon Tuttle

7:03pm Welcome and Introduction Maggie Sweeney

Approve November Board Meeting Minutes Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt

Special Committee Reports

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

  • Update from Sumac Task Force Patricia Parker/Liza Caputo
    Sumac Task Force will meet again in December and will be ready to either recommend or not recommend this software to the Board in January 2014.

New Business

  1. Principal position Kim Whitworth, Executive Director of Schools, Northeast Region
    Discussion of Dan Sanger’s performance.
  2. New ASE Coordinator Maggie Sweeney
    Maggie introduced Christine Haas as the new ASE Coordinator starting December 20, 2014.
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve to raise the hourly rate from $15 to $20 for Christine Haas, the ASE Coordinator. Ann-Marie Spata seconded. Motion passes.
  3. Drama Committee request Jake Matheson
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve up to $8500 on the stage truss and rails depending on the approval from Risk Management at SPS and Department of Early Learning. Joan Crooks seconded. Motion passes.


  • Motion #1
    Kathy Gerke motions to raise the hourly rate from $15 to $20 for Christine Haas, the ASE Coordinator. Ann-Marie Spata seconded.
  • Motion #2
    Kathy Gerke motions to approve up to $8500 on the stage truss and rails depending on the approval from Risk Management at SPS and Department of Early Learning. Joan Crooks seconded.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00pm