Advocacy Update

Reminder: Levy votes must be in by February 11, 2025. We strongly encourage the Bryant community to educate themselves about these levies and vote! While the E&O levy has not raised much controversy, we know that there are a lot of differing opinions on the BEX VI levy, including concern that it includes $150M to build a new school in NE Seattle. This op-ed and this op-ed demonstrate some of the wide-ranging perspectives on this levy.  You can also go here to read SPS’s response to some FAQs and see the Bryant-specific workplans under the BEX VI levy. There is a lot of information out there so do the research and vote! 

Legislative updates:

There are many important bills that impact K-12 education being heard in the legislature this week. If you are interested in learning more or taking a minute to sign in “PRO” on any of these bills please visit this Seattle Council PTSA blog which summarizes the relevant bills. 

Also, three school fundings bill were voted out of  the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee last week SB 5263 (special education funding), SB 5192 (MSOC), and SB 5187 (student transportation funding))! All three bills are now heading to the Ways and Means Committee.

Lastly, the Washington PTA Focus on Advocacy Week will be from Feb 10-14 and the Advocacy Day in Olympia will be on February 17th.  Go here for more information and to get involved!

Bryant Online Auction: Donate an Experience, Game, or Show Today!

The Bryant online auction will be held from March 28th-April 4th, 2025 and it impacts the learning experiences of our young students. The Bryant Online Auction financially supplements the work of our school’s outstanding teachers and support staff with experiences and events like our annual writer’s celebration, science fairs and math championship. It also helps give critical financial support for arts enrichment, math and reading tutors, field trips, computer instruction, and the purchase of musical equipment. We’re proud of our involvement in this fundraiser, and we’re asking for your help.

The Bryant Online Auction committee is looking for fun family or adults only experiences, tickets to sporting events and shows, rental/hotel stays, dinners, cooking classes or anything else you’re willing and able to donate. Your donation isn’t just to help our committee. Your donation is meant to directly impact our students and their experience at Bryant.

When you’re ready to make a donation, please fill out our Online Donation Form to let us know or send an email to Maureen Bhak at Please complete the online donation form by March 14th, 2025. This is all in support of our favorite school…let’s show our Bryant teachers, staff and students how much they mean to us!


All families are invited to the Bryant Disco Dance held in the school cafeteria. The dance is free! There will be pizza, snacks, candy, drinks, and light up wands for sale. There will also be a fun raffle. CASH ONLY. Kids need an adult to attend with them.
Date: Saturday, February 8th
Time: 4PM to 6PM

This is a fourth grade fundraiser raising money for our current fourth graders to attend Islandwood next school year!

Cirque du Soleil

Hello Bryant Community! 

Ready for an unforgettable experience? 
We’re excited to invite you to a Cirque du Soleil show this year!  It’s going to be a night of jaw-dropping performances, mind-blowing acrobatics, and pure magic. 

And the best part? You can enjoy the show while supporting Bryant! Every ticket purchased using the QR code on the attached flyer will send money back to help our community. 

Don’t miss out—grab your tickets today! Thank you so much for your continued support! 

Help sign PRO on House Bill 1310 by January 30th to increase special education funding!

It is great to see that funding K-12 education is a top priority during this legislative session! This Thursday various K-12 funding bills will be heard in the House including Rep. Pollet’s bill to increase special education funding that he discussed at our Bryant legislative panel a few weeks ago.  As we know, insufficient special education funding is one of the primary reasons SPS currently faces a large budget deficit. Please take a minute to go here and sign-in PRO on this bill.

The Senate heard a group of important K-12 funding bills last week, and this Thursday three of these bills are scheduled for executive session (this is where legislators will vote on whether the bills should leave committee and continue through the legislative process). The bills are SB 5263 (special education funding), SB 5192 (MSOC), and SB 5187 (student transportation funding). The Bryant PTSA supports all three of these bills!

Also, on the same day as these hearings/executive sessions, advocates are meeting in Olympia to rally for increased K-12 funding! If you want to be part of the action and support our schools, attend this advocacy day!

Lastly, remember to keep informed about the school levies, there is a lot of information available from SPS, advocates and news outlets. Votes must be in by February 11th, 2025!

1st and 2nd grade families, we are counting on YOU!

Have you heard about the Healthy HIP Pack Food Drive and Packing Party? The Bryant Student Hunger Service Project packing party for the 1st and 2nd graders and their families is Monday, 1/27 from 6:30-7:30 pm

Our goal this year is to make 250 Healthy HIP Packs during the 1st & 2nd grade Packing Party. The Hunger Intervention Program continues to see significant increases in demand for Healthy HIP Packs. They are now delivering 400-450 packs per week. The Bryant Student Hunger Service Project aims to provide a hands-on opportunity for our community to learn about and help students facing food insecurity every day in Seattle. 

How can your family help?
Contribute to the food driveFood Donation Sign-up Genius
(Drop off items in the bin by the main office or by your child’s classroom by 2pm on 1/23. All food donations need to be recorded on the sign-up so we can confirm we have the correct quantities of items.)

1. Review food items that are needed. (This List of Suggested Healthy HIP Pack Food Donations has suggestions)
2. Sign-up for the specific food items and the quantity you will donate in the Sign-up Genius link above.
3. Drop off the food at Bryant by 2pm on Thursday 1/23

Come to the packing party at Bryant on Monday 1/27 from 6:30-7:30 pm
You can also sign up to help manage one of the stations during the event: Volunteer Station Sign-up Genius

If you aren’t able to purchase food in time but looking for another option to contribute, you can provide a monetary donation which will be used to purchase additional food items to complete the list on the Food Donation Sign-up Genius:  Monetary Donation for Food Purchase

Join the Bryant Blast Committee 

Planning for the Bryant Blast has begun! Event organizers are looking for committee members to help plan food & activities, advertise the event, organize volunteers and more.

This is one of the big events in our school calendar and we need as many volunteers as possible to make the event a success.

Haven’t been to the Blast before? Don’t worry! It’s a group effort, a fun way to get involved and meet other Bryant grownups.

If you’re interested in getting involved please email:

Ultimate Frisbee Sessions for Girls and Nonbinary Players at Bryant

Whether you played on the team last year, joined us for the Fall sessions, or have never touched a frisbee before, come play ultimate frisbee with us!

What: Pre-season practice sessions for girls and nonbinary students to gear up for the upcoming season, introduce the sport to new players and grow our great community. 
Who: Open to 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls and nonbinary students. No experience necessary.
Now also open to 2nd graders! 2nd graders cannot play in league games (league policy) but we would love to have 2nd grade girls and nonbinary players join us for practices to hone their frisbee skills early!
When: 1/24, 2/7, 2/28 (all Fridays) after school from 2:30-3:30
Where: Bryant school grass field
If you child goes to LASER we can bring them to LASER after ultimate

Contact coach Sam ( for new sign ups or with any questions.
If your child attended previously we will contact you regarding attendance for these sessions.