Passed: Bryant PTSA Resolution on Anti-Racism

Want to know why Minneapolis is burning?

Mama. He called Mama.

At least that’s why I want to burn, why I feel like I could scream until flames rip out of my throat. He has called up great power. I want all of us to turn, all of us who have heard Mama in a store and thought it meant us. It’s time to turn. White mamas, mamas with privilege, you have been summoned. And any of us who have ever cried out Mama, we hear it too, down in our bones. It’s a cry that can’t go unanswered anymore. So Minneapolis burns. And we need to gut all the spaces in our lives where systemic racism has quarter.

I think of the other mamas who turned a tide: Emmett Till’s, for one. We speak out of the deep mystery from whence all life springs. My white people: Nurture antiracism in your life like you would a child in your arms, even if you’ve only just heard it named. Learn what it means and how to foster it. Care about it, give it space in your life. Come to understand it, even if it’s difficult and challenges everything.

Mama is coming. And the men who make order in the world should be very afraid.

~Mary Helen Kennerly

PTSA Resolution on Anti-Racism

As PTSA leadership we are parents; many of us are Mama.  We have been summoned, and now is the time to answer, not simply with platitudes, but with action.  In PTSA that action takes the form of resolutions and policy.  It is time for us to acknowledge that we can be racist or anti-racist, but we cannot be neutral.  It is time for us to acknowledge our power, as well as the existence and pervasiveness of systemic racism.  It is time for us to fight for the education of our children in the hope that doing so will save the lives of our black and brown children and all children furthest from educational justice.

Whereas “the most fundamental right is the right to live” 1 and that right is being denied to black people across this country and in Seattle;

whereas systemic racism is embedded in every aspect of this country, including public schools;

whereas systemic racism in our school system is a major factor in the opportunity gap between white and black students;

whereas  we must choose whether to be a racist or anti-racist organization as there is no neutral space;

whereas PTA moves toward “every child. One voice,” but the voices and needs of black children continue to be left out and unheard;

Resolved, that Bryant PTSA commits to being an anti-racist organization.

Educates our PTSA members on issues related to anti-racism through hosting parent education events, providing anti-racism books and resources for families, and by including information on anti-racism in every PTSA Board Meeting.

Actively works to center the voices of our families furthest from educational justice by engaging with families.

Actively works with our school, Seattle Public Schools, the City of Seattle, and the State of Washington to provide opportunities and funding for professional development for anti-racism work.

 1Ibram X. Kendi

2019-20 Meeting Schedule

Meetings are Tuesdays at 7pm in the Library unless otherwise noted.
(General Meetings are in bold)

September 17, 2019
Minutes | Budget |Treasurer Overview

October 15, 2019
Minutes | Budget

November 12, 2019
Minutes | Budget

December 10, 2019
Minutes | Budget

January 14, 2020 Postponed to January 21 due to snow
Minutes | Budget

February 11, 2020
Minutes | Budget

March 11, 2020 (Wed)
Minutes | Budget

April 7, 2020
Minutes | Budget

May 12, 2020
Minutes | Financials | Proposed 2020-2021 Budget

June 9, 2020
Minutes | Financials | Approved 2020-2021 Budget

2018-19 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are at 7pm in the Bryant Library unless otherwise noted. (Dates in bold are General Meetings)

September 20, 2018
Minutes | Budget | Treasurer Overview

October 9, 2018
Minutes | Budget YTD | approved 2018-19 | Social Emotional Learning presentation

November 13, 2018
Minutes | Budget

December 11, 2018
Minutes | Budget

January 15, 2019
Minutes | Budget

February 12, 2019 (rescheduled to Feb 27 due to snow)
Minutes | Budget

March 12, 2019
Minutes | Budget

April 2, 2019
Minutes | Budget

May 14, 2019
Minutes | Budget | preliminary proposed 2019-2020 PTSA budget

June 11, 2019 (in the lunchroom)
Minutes | Budget | proposed budget for 2019-2020

2017-18 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are at 7pm in the Bryant Library unless otherwise noted. (Dates in bold are General Meetings)

September 12, 2017
Minutes | Budget | Balance Sheet | 2016-17 Treasurer’s Report

October 10, 2017
Minutes | Budget

November 14, 2017
Minutes | Budget

December 5, 2017
Minutes | Budget

January 9, 2018
Minutes | Budget

February 13, 2018
Minutes | Budget

March 13, 2018
Minutes | Budget

April 3, 2018

May 8 2018
Minutes | Budget | Proposed 2018-19 budget

June 12, 2017
Minutes | Budget

2016-17 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are at 7pm in the Bryant Library unless otherwise noted. (Dates in bold are General Meetings)

September 13, 2016
Minutes | Budget | 2015-16 Treasurer recap

October 11, 2016

November 8, 2016
Minutes | Budget

December 12, 2016
Minutes | BudgetBell Times info | Paramount Duty Handout | Resolution to support Seattle PTSA
Speaker Emily Cherkin: Raising Kids and Finding Balance in a Digitally Connected World
Powerpoint | Handout

January 10, 2017
Minutes | Budget

February 14, 2017
Minutes | Budget

March 14, 2017
Minutes | Budget

April 4, 2017
Minutes | Budget

May 9, 2017
Minutes | Proposed Budget for 2017-18

June 13, 2017
Minutes | Budget for 2017-18

Bryant’s PTSA Parent Speaker Series: The Anxiety Dance

Thanks to those of you who made it out to our latest speaker event on Tuesday. Chris McCurry shared the possible origins of anxiety in our kids and techniques for recognizing and coping with it. If you missed it (or your notes are incomplete!) download some of his information here.

Books for parents and kids
Breathing Exercises Handout
Validation Handout

The Anxiety Dance
Tuesday, March 14, 7 pm
Bryant Library

Noted expert Chris McCurry, Ph.D., is a clinical child psychologist in private practice at Associates in Behavior and Child Development, Inc. in Seattle. He is the author of Parenting Your Anxious Child with Mindfulness and Acceptance published by New Harbinger.

Chris will discuss:

  • The origins of child anxiety in biological factors (temperament, brain development) and early experiences, especially social experiences.
  • The ways a child’s fearful and anxious behaviors function to communicate distress and compel the parent to come to the child’s rescue.
  • Strategies for making this process or “dance” work better: clearer communication, mutual respect and cooperation, better problem solving and coping.
  • When to start the conversation.

** LASER will be providing babysitting from 6:45 – 9:15 pm – $10 per kid **
Minimum of 10 kids is required. Sign up for LASER babysitting here.

Introducing Bryant’s PTSA Parent Speaker Series!

As parents we share many of the same concerns. When do we cut off screen time? How do we broach the dreaded sex talk? What can we do we ease our kids’ test taking anxieties? We’re all figuring it out but it would be great to add some tools to our parenting skill sets.

We’re excited to announce the Bryant PTSA 2016-2017 Speaker Series. We will be hosting 3 expert speakers on these parenting topics at PTSA meetings this year to support you! First up, families and technology.

Raising Kids and Finding Balance in a Digitally Connected World
Monday, December 12th at 7 pm
Please welcome our very own Emily Cherkin, a Bryant parent, parent educator and academic coach, to December’s PTSA meeting. Emily will use recent data to help us develop realistic goals for our kids (and ourselves!), and find better balance in our lives when it comes to screens and technology. We’ll discuss:

★ Raising your “Digital Natives” (and what that means)
★ Current research on screen use for kids and teens
★ The impact of screens and technology on brain development
★ The pull of screens and technology for kids AND adults
★ Tools and resources for creating a balanced “tech-positive” family environment

**LASER will be providing babysitting from 6:45 – 9:15pm – $10 per kid**
Sign up for LASER babysitting @

2015-16 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are at 7pm in the Bryant Library unless otherwise noted. (Dates in bold are General Meetings)

September 15, 2015 
Minutes | Budget | 2014-15 Treasurer Recap

October 13, 2015
Minutes | Budget | PLC presentation

November 10, 2015 (starts at 6:30 with casual mixer)
Minutes | Budget | Paramount Duty resolution

December 8, 2015
Minutes | BudgetTech Presentation | PLC Training Presentation

January 12, 2016
Minutes | Budget

February 9, 2016
Minutes | Budget

March 8, 2016
Minutes | Budget

April 5, 2016 (not the 2nd Tuesday of the month due to SPS Spring Break)
Minutes | Budget

May 10, 2016
Minutes | Budget | Proposed 2016-17 Budget

June 14, 2016, Lunchroom Volunteer and Teacher/Staff Recognition Awards
Minutes | Budget | Approved 2016-17 Budget