Dec 4: Important Bryant School Play info and action items!

Please read this email carefully and in it’s entirety. In order for your student to participate in the Bryant School Play, Seussical, we need 3 things from you in the next 2 weeks:

  1. Please fill out this google form by December 8 with all the info the we and the Seattle Performers’ staff will need for your child to participate.
  2. The first casting workshop and crew meeting is on Monday, December 9th from 6-8 in the lunchroom. There is a second workshop for only performers (no crew) on Thursday December 12, also 6-8 in the lunchroom. These are mandatory workshops when students will work with Seattle Performers staff playing games, singing, and dancing so that they can cast the show. Also on Monday December 9th, following drop off of your students in the lunch room at 6pm there is a mandatory parent meeting in the library. You will get all the info for what it means for your child to participate in the school play and have an opportunity to get your questions answered.
  3. Stay tuned for a link to the website where you can pay the fee. The fee is $195. This helps to cover one script for each student; the fee to Seattle Performers to hire a producer, directors, technical director, and other production staff; materials to build the set and props; rental of AV equipment; materials for costumes; renting the play practice and performance space within Bryant Elementary, renting production equipment, and printing the program. Also included with this enrollment fee is a t-shirt for your child and a quarter page ad in the play program.

If you cannot swing the entire fee, we will accept whatever you can pay. We do not want the fee to be a barrier for any students’ participation.

THANK YOU! Bryant Annual Campaign Reaches 92%

Because of you, Bryant students will benefit from growth and enrichment activities, services and support. Because of you, Bryant students will participate in activities like art and music in classrooms, expanding education beyond math, science, and reading. Because of you, teachers will receive extra support through classroom supplies, academic specialists and tutors. Because of you, kids will get the early intervention necessary and allow classroom teachers to focus on the class and provide each student the attention needed to succeed in school.

Thank you for supporting teacher assessment time, field trips, educational enrichment and so much more. You make Bryant Elementary better. Bryant has educated kids in our community for more than 100 years. By supporting the Annual Campaign, you are developing a generation of leaders, community members, and future philanthropists. 

Thank you!

2019-20 Meeting Schedule

Meetings are Tuesdays at 7pm in the Library unless otherwise noted.
(General Meetings are in bold)

September 17, 2019
Minutes | Budget |Treasurer Overview

October 15, 2019
Minutes | Budget

November 12, 2019
Minutes | Budget

December 10, 2019
Minutes | Budget

January 14, 2020 Postponed to January 21 due to snow
Minutes | Budget

February 11, 2020
Minutes | Budget

March 11, 2020 (Wed)
Minutes | Budget

April 7, 2020
Minutes | Budget

May 12, 2020
Minutes | Financials | Proposed 2020-2021 Budget

June 9, 2020
Minutes | Financials | Approved 2020-2021 Budget