Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – September 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
6:45 PM

Attendees: Amy Shanafelt, Kim Love, Nelly Goodnoe, Jennifer Mahlum, Rachel Schaw, Whitney Griesbach, Kim Larsen, Rachel Gleeson, Kate Speizer, Shelley Prosise, Jean Charette, Mary-Britt Love, Ann Sonnen, Michelle Ireton, Katie Salisbury, Dan Sanger, Julie Pearson, Emily Chencin, Sam Fogg, Jason Smith, Tiffany Morgan, Anna Marbury, Heidi Hager, Talia Fulgham, Nicole Hasheminejad

Welcome and Introductions

May 2016 Board Meeting Minutes-Approved

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Recap Report Jennifer Mahlum & Nelly Goodnoe
  2. Volunteer Coordinators Report Kate Speizer & Janie Booth
    • Chairs still needed
      • Bryant directory
      • Online Auction
    • Please fill out your watch forms
  3. Fundraising Chair Report (Rachel Gleeson & Kim Larsen)
    • Summary of what the PTSA funds from the annual campaign
      • Annual Campaign starts in mid-October

Special Committee Reports -None

Special Orders -None

New Business

  1. Conflict of Interest Statement -Rachel Schaw
    • Needs to be signed by all Board Members
    • Please see Nelly to sign the conflict
  2. Compliance Documents -Nelly Goodnoe
    • Needs to be signed by all Exec Board members & anyone processing money
    • Nelly will follow-up to ensure
  3. Review addendums to the standing rules (Amy Shanafelt)
    • Read the proposed changes to the PTSA Standing Rules
    • These will be up for vote in October’s meeting

Principal Report -Dan Sanger

Teacher Representative Report–PLC Tiffany Bodine

8:30 meetings adjourned