Welcome and Introductions
Volunteer Awards
Approve March General Meeting Minutes
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Recap Report (7:10-7:15) Brita Willis & Lorraine Sawicki
- Review of the May Report- net 15k from Blast
- Reminder to submit receipts before June 20th for reimbursement
- Legislative Chairs Report Jean Charette, Yvonne Roberts & Diana Fryc
- Sam Fogg: Cards to thank our legislators for helping to lift levies
- Primary August 6th– 10 candidates running for City Council, 3 School Board candidates
- Forum for learning about candidates on June 24th at Roosevelt, more forums to come
- Bryant Leadership Team Kim Love
- Finalized CSIP at last BLT meeting. Main change is the two focuses: ELA and Math
- Principal’s Report Charmaine Marshall
- Recognized and appreciated PTSA Exec Board- “phenomenal year” at Bryant due to volunteerism and staff/parent support
- Enrollment is projected to be higher than this past year- will know definitively about staffing adjustments by the end of this school year
- Thanks to Melissa who will be leaving this year to become a principal in Edmonds
- Melissa said her goodbyes
New Business
- Allison Broadgate: Stewardship and Messaging around where different funding goes, will be sending out a message about future dollars and where they will be spent. Big question is whether or not to launch a capital campaign forplayground/what this would cost- survey to families to find out and how much families would be willing to donate or time they would be willing to give. Will be sent to Exec team first.
- General Membership Vote 19-20 Budget Brita Willis and Lorraine Sawicki
- Review budget for approval, will be presented again in the fall after books are closed (see document), General Membership will vote on it again in October.
- Ann Sonnen makes motion to approve budget/ Nelly G seconds. All approve.
- General Membership Vote on 19-20 Board Tammy Shorr
- Exec Board:
- Ann Sonnen and Whitney G (presidents)
- VP- Brita Willis
- Treasurer: Nick Barrett and Kelli Hessler
- Co-Sec: Brenda Mullins, David Holmberg
- Board voted on and approved
- Exec Board: