Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – March 2014 *DRAFT*

March 11, 2014

Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Robin Metcalf, Amy Shanafelt, Laura Larkin, Carleen Confer, Ann-Marie Spata, Liza Caputo, Rachel Friesen, Dan Sanger, Kim Larsen, April Wright, Ellen Gryj, Joan Crooks, Chantelle Dykstra, Michelle Ireton, Kathy Hughes and Layla Taylor

7:00 pm Welcome and Introductions Maggie Sweeney

Approve October General Board Meeting Minutes Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt

Special Committee Reports

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

  1. Islandwood budgeting discussion
    Will be on the agenda for the March Budget Meeting.

New Business

  1. Science Fair Maggie Sweeney
    Joan Crooks motions to approve an additional $300 to the science fair budget. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  2. Board transitions Maggie Sweeney
    Robin Metcalf and Kathy Gerke will be resigning from the board at the end of the school year.
  3. Process for monetary collections for class/class events Maggie Sweeney
    Maggie will ask Patricia Parker to draft a policy for this and present it at the April Board Meeting.
  4. State of the School Dan Sanger and Rachel Friesen
    Dan Sanger discusses the culture of the school and the budget process. Meghan Delaney motions to pledge up to $26,450 to help fund the Reading Specialist/Instructional Support. Joan Crooks seconded.


  • Motion #1
    Joan Crooks motions to approve an additional $300 to the science fair budget. Kathy Gerke seconds.
  • Motion #2
    Meghan Delaney motions to pledge up to $26,450 to help fund the Reading Specialist/Instructional Support. Joan Crooks seconded.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:12 pm.