Bryant PTSA General Meeting Minutes – June 2016

Attendees: Leann Huntington, Lauren, Abraham, Jennifer Mahlum, Rachel Schaw, Kim Love, Kim Larsen, Amy Shanafelt, Julie Pearson, Dan Sanger, Sam Fogg, Tiffany Morgan, Jason Smith, Michelle Ireton, Whitney Griesbach, Mary Britt-Love, Sara Fenzl, Anna Marburg, J Fangman

March General Meeting Minutes – Approved

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  • Treasurers report
  • Legislative Update
  • Bell times task force update
    • Clive and Elaine have agreed to take over the paperwork part of the ASE class and

New Business

  1. General Membership vote to approve the 2016-2017 Budget
    • Approved by majority vote
  2. General Membership vote to approve slate for 2016 – 17 Executive Board
    • Executive Committee for 2016-17
      Co-Presidents: Amy Shanafelt and Julie Ohrazda
      Vice President: Kim Love
      Co-Treasurers: Nelly Goodnoe, and Jennifer Mahlum
      Co-Secretary: Rachel Schaw and Whitney Griesbach
    • Approved by majority vote

Volunteer awards