2024 Bryant Elementary Volunteer Awards

We are delighted to announce the recipients of this year’s PTSA Volunteer Awards! Congratulations to Maureen (Mo) Bhak and Renee Leong for receiving the Golden Acorn Awards, Amy Piper for being honored with the Volunteer Extraordinaire Award, Nina Mettler for the Unsung Hero Award, and the Arts Committee for winning the Committee with the Most-est Award. These outstanding individuals and groups have demonstrated exceptional dedication, hard work, and passion in their volunteer efforts, significantly enriching our school community. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our volunteers for your tireless efforts and unwavering support. Your contributions have made this year a tremendous success, and we are truly thankful for the positive impact you have made on our students and families. Stay tuned, we’ll announce our final Golden Acorn award for outstanding service by a Bryant teacher or staff member by the end of the week.

Please read below for a list of volunteer award nominees and their remarkable contributions and accolades.

Maureen Bhak – I’m not sure how she does it, but Maureen has successfully coordinated and implemented countless successful programs at Bryant. She has helped to raise money for Bryant, organized memorable events that kids and families look forward to every year, and has helped create such a strong sense of community for Bryant families. Her profound impact on Bryant Elementary is beyond words.”

Renee Leong is quietly working behind the scenes to facilitate and make so many major efforts happen, including after school enrichment (ASE), the Bryant Blast, Bike and Walk to Bryant, and coordinating school supplies. So many important activities and functions would not happen without Renee. She is incredibly kind and generous with her time. I feel fortunate that she is part of our community, and she inspires me to ask more of myself.”

Amy Piper – As the ‘camera lady,” Amy has documented ALL of our children’s activities and accomplishments for them and us to remember. She has braved storms, offered up countless evenings and weekends, and literally crossed streams and waded lakes to capture our kids in their finest moments–and she has done so for the past [I’m not sure, but 10+ years?] without being asked, behind the scenes. With this being her last year at Bryant (the yearbook will never be the same!), she would be a well-deserved recipient of this award.”

Nina Mettler for the Unsung Hero Award in recognition of her exceptional work in coordinating the Families in Need program. Nina’s outstanding leadership and unwavering dedication have been pivotal in providing vital support to numerous families within our community. Her compassionate approach, organizational skills, and tireless efforts have ensured that essential resources and assistance reach those who need them most.”

Maya Narayanan and Renee Leong for leading the Bryant Blast this year and thanks to Christy Hunt and Jennifer Hickey for coordinating the volunteers for the Blast!”

The entire PTSA board: You all put in so much time and effort into this school and community. So much would not happen without you all! Thank you Mary Strazer and Carrie Lee! (Co-presidents), David McKnight and Rachel Jiang (treasurers), Tiffany Courtnage & Jennifer Song (Co-Secretaries), Anna Bonnett (Member at large), Steve Lerer and Hana Dushek (Volunteer Coordinators), Matt & Micheal (Fundraising), and everyone else on the PTSA who does so, so, so much for Bryant!!! THANKS a million!”

All committees! – The Blast, Fundraisers, Treasurers, Board Members, Art, Chess Club, Ultimate Frisbee, Writers Celebration, ASE, Walk/Bike to School, Families In Need, Field Day, Play, Science Fair, Directory, Multicultural Night, Yearbook, School Supplies, Boo Bash, Operations, Communications, Garden Buddies, Running Club and Teacher/Staff Appreciation. Thank you all for leading these efforts and helping sustain the Bryant community!”

Thank you to these individuals and committees who were nominated: Marina Goland, Christy Hunt, Amanda Allegre, Hana Dushek, Erin Schedler, Vanya Uzelac, David McKnight, Mary Strazer, Sarah Blake, Carrie Lee, Tiffany Courtnage, Brittany Fullton, Michael Polin, Marika VanderSmith, Eliza Peoples, Dina Jardine and Caitlin Hein, the Bryant Blast Committee and classroom parents.