Bryant PTSA Board resolution: Advocating for Gun Violence Prevention Measures

The Bryant PTSA is joining the Seattle Council PTSA Board and the National PTA in its demands that Washington State and federal governments adopt legislation to accomplish policy goals that would protect our schools and families from gun violence.


Approved by the Bryant Elementary PTSA Board on March 13, 2018

Whereas, in the 5 years since the December 2012 mass shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School, there have been more than 1,600 mass shootings in America, with at least 1,829 people killed and 6,447 wounded as of February 2018, and more than 400 people have been shot in over 200 school shootings; and

Whereas, in the past five years, eight school shootings have occurred in Washington state, four of which resulted in injury or death, and facilities in the Seattle School District, and districts around Washington State, have far too often been the scenes of gun violence and threats of gun violence; and

Whereas, gun violence presents a clear and present danger to the students, parents, educators, paraeducators, administrators, and support staff of the Seattle School District; and

Whereas, more guns result in more homicides, children of color are victims of homicide by firearms at a higher rate than white children in King County,  and our nation is now aware that persons of color are more likely to be wrongfully shot by persons in positions of power, and these facts lead to the conclusion that arming educators could have a disproportionately adverse and lethal impact on students of color;  and

Whereas, the National PTA has advocated for a variety of measures to address gun violence, including mental health education, early intervention, prevention and access to school and community-based mental health personnel and services, measures to educate students, educators and community members on firearm safety and violence prevention, as well as laws and regulations in the areas of gun safety and violence prevention; and

Whereas, a National School Walkout has been organized for March 14th at 10AM, and a National March for Our Lives will be held by student leaders on March 24th, and both of theseevents are intended to bring attention to this important issue and to demand action from our legislators; and

Whereas, gun violence, and threats of gun violence, in schools undermine the sense of security that all students should have in their learning environments; and

Whereas, we believe that every child deserves to learn in an environment that is safe and to have the opportunity to grow into a happy and healthy adult.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Bryant Elementary PTSABoard joins the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors, and the WA State and National PTA in its demands that Washington State and federal governments adopt legislation to accomplish the following policy goals:

– Require universal background checks and a license to purchase a firearm.
– Re-enact a federal ban on the sale and possession of military-style assault weapons.
– Lift any ban on research that studies the causes and effects of gun violence; and
Therefore, be it further resolved that the Bryant ElementaryPTSA Board also supports laws and regulations that would accomplish the following:

– Increase the Federal minimum purchase age to 21 for all long-guns (rifles) to match current federal regulations for handguns.
– Implement Enhanced Background Checks and waiting periods for assault weapons.
– Ban the purchase and sale of any accessories designed to increase a gun’s rate of fire.
– Eliminate private gun sale loopholes.
– Restrict non-Washington state residents from purchasing any firearms in Washington state.
– Require firearm safety training prior to the purchase of a firearm.
– Develop a state registry that allows one to voluntarily opt-out of the ability to purchase a firearm.
– Support prevention, intervention and community re-entry programs that reduce community and gun violence.
– Increase funding for programs and school staffing that support student mental health, social and emotional learning, and bullying.
– Establish safety programs in schools that do not include arming educators or staff; and
Therefore, be it further resolved that the Bryant ElementaryPTSA Board wholly rejects the misguided suggestion by local, state or federal officials, organizations or individuals that it is either desirable or appropriate to arm teachers in schools for any purpose, and supports existing prohibitions of firearms in Seattle schools and will not support any effort to arm educators or staff; and

Therefore, be it further resolved that the Bryant ElementaryPTSA Board supports legislation currently under consideration by the Washington State Legislature that would enact some of the above measures, including, but not limited to, Engrossed Senate Bill 5992, Senate Bill 6620 and House Bill 3004; and

Therefore, be it further resolved that the Bryant ElementaryPTSA Board supports solidarity activities on the National School Walkout scheduled for March 14th and the National March for Our Lives scheduled for March 24th, 2018.