Bryant PTSA General Meeting Minutes – October 2014 *FINAL*

October 14, 2014

Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly

In Attendance:
Dan Sanger, Julie Pearson, Kim Love, Meta Godsell, Meghan Delaney, Carleen Confer, Ann-Marie Spata, Jon Tuttle, Becky Mackle, Lauren Abraham, Amy Shanafelt, Leeann Huntington, Michelle Ireton, Kathy Hughes, Patricia Parker, Maggie Sweeney, Tiah Stark-Estes, Kelli Foster, Samantha Fogg, Amy Cericola, Christie Robertson, Rachel Schaw, Danielle Clark, Eric Bertelsen, Heidi Hafer, Kate Osborne, Tiffany Morgan, Sarah Fox, Janet Schermerkarn, Leigh Arredondo, Ben Marwick, Krystal Silva, Carly Vynne, Kim Larsen, Heather Cerne, Matthew Parker, Monica Khanal, Ellen Gryj, Natalya Yudkovsky, Pamela Kuhte, Layla Taylor, Andrea Peng

Welcome and Introduction Meghan Delaney & Leeann Huntington

Approve June General Meeting Minutes

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report Lauren Abraham & Amy Shanafelt
    Amy Shanafelt summarizes the status of the PTSA budget.
  2. Annual Campaign Becky Mackle & Kathy Hughes
    Becky Mackle reviews the current Annual Campaign.

Special Committee Reports

Unfinished Business

New Business

  1. Approve Standing Rules Leeann Huntington
    Samantha Fogg motions to approve the amended Bryant Elementary PTSA Standing Rules. Patricia Parker seconds.
  1. Nominating Committee Approval Meghan Delaney & Leeann Huntington
    Amy Shanafelt motions to approve the 2014-15 PTSA Nominating Committee of Janie Booth, Maria Iams, April Wright and Maria Speizer. Kelli Foster seconds.

State of the School Principal Dan Sanger
Principal Dan Sanger and Vice Principal Julie Pearson present a 1-3-5 year vision for the future of Bryant.


  • Motion #1
    Samantha Fogg motions to approve the amended Bryant Elementary PTSA Standing Rules. Patricia Parker seconds.
  • Motion #2
    Amy Shanafelt motions to approve the 2014-15 PTSA Nominating Committee of Janie Booth, Maria Iams, April Wright and Maria Speizer. Kelli Foster seconds.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:12 pm