Monday, November 7, 2016
Attendees: Anne Vold, Maura Wixey, Kathy Weinman, Lynn Masunaga-Fahselt, Leeann Huntington, Katie Boyes, Jason Smith, Tiffany Morgan, Peter Sonnar, Sara Fenzel, Aaron Marburg, Sam Fogg, Eric Noble, Xiangyi Shi, Karen Cui, Kevin Orr, Peter Schaw, Rachel Gleeson, Kim Larson
June minutes -approved
RULER Presentation – (Julie Pearson, Chara Johnson, Lynn Fahselt, Katie Salisbury, Elizabeth Day)
Officer/ Standing committee Reports
- Treasurer Report–Jennifer Mahlum
- Reviewed last month’s budget, noted that classroom supply checks has been distributed
- Additional matching funds from LY annual campaign came in, giving us more in TY’s budget
- Volunteer Co-coordinator report–Janie Booth
Needs for volunteers:- Lunch and recess continue to need volunteers
- One person for pictures on Oct. 18th
- Math Club
- Bryant Blast
- Online Auction
- Family Arts Night
- Fundraising Report–Kim Larsen and Rachel Gleeson
- Annual Campaign starts Oct. 17thand runs through Oct 28th
- Largest fundraiser of the year
- Direct ask of parents of $325 per student
- Ask is based on the current PTSA budget
- Reviewed procedure for the campaign and how to return pledge cards
- Bryant Leadership Team Report –Amy Shanafelt
- Goal to close the communication loop between parents and building.
- Amy read the minutes from the BLT Sept meeting.
- Principal Report –Dan Sanger
- Reviewed Early Start/ Dismissal –going well for teachers and students
- Laser enrollment is at 145 spots
- Hired 9 new teachers/ staff this year
- Instrumental music to Oct
- Bell Choir for 5th grade is Tues / Friday this year
- Choir –still working on hiring a teacher for this position
- No Safety Patrol in the mornings so far for the year
- Legislative Report–Jean Charette and Shelley Prosise
- McCleary design from the supreme court on Friday, Oct. 7th. –state will continue to be fined for not funding schools adequately
- Homeless encampment legislation from Seattle City Council –reviewed possible impacts to schools and public spaces impacts to schools and public spaces
New Business –motions made:
- Standing Bylaws –motion to approve made by Michelle Ireton, seconded by Rachel Gleeson
- Raz Kids Funding Request to pay for budet shortfall due to increase in classes -$156.63 –motion to approve made by Nelly Goodnoe, seconded by Michelle Ireton
- Raz Kids Funding Request to pay for additional subscription for 4 Learning Interventist -$438.18 – presented by Julie Pearson -motion by Katie Salisbury, seconded by Nelly Goodnoe
New Business
- Rainy Day Recess concerns presented by Mark Batho
- Mark was concern there are too many rainy day recesses and that children need to go outside to burn off energy.
- Dan and Julie were able to explain how the decision is made to stay indoors (extreme cold or rain). Additional Building concerns from teachers are wet students don’t learn well. Suggestion made to put in the Bryant Weekly to remind parents to bring coats and boots for students.