Still have time to join in Reflections!

Every year, thousands of kids around the country – including here at Bryant – create original works of art inspired by a specific theme and enter their work in the National PTAs Reflections Art Program. At Bryant, we celebrate all of our Reflections artists with a special Exhibition and Showcase party. If selected, you may also be recognized at city, state and even national levels.

This year’s theme is “I’m Hopeful Because. . .”

There are six categories to choose from – Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. You may choose to submit up to two artworks, however, only one entry per arts category is allowed. 

Deadline: Wednesday, November 1st

Want to learn more?
Contact for more information about categories and how to submit your work.

Watch these videos to learn more about Reflections!
The National PTSA video 
2023 Call for Entries