Please Complete the Bryant Elementary School Climate Survey for Caregivers!

The Bryant PTSA is compiling data from parents and caregivers of all students at the school through a 3-5 minute survey of the school climate.  We plan to use this data to determine future state and district advocacy and family engagement efforts.  This survey, in part, follows the approach of the SPS “School Climate” surveys that 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students participate in during class each fall.


This survey aims to help assess the degree to which the school, the district, and the state are meeting their core commitments to students and the degree to which students have positive social relationships, are respected and engaged in their work, and feel safe and competent.  


The survey can be completed here.  The deadline for completion is Friday, June 10.


Thank you in advance for taking the time to communicate your family’s experience.

PTSA Awards and General Membership Meeting–June 7th

All are welcome to attend our last PTSA General Membership Meeting of the 2022-2022 school year on Tuesday, June 7th at 7:00pm!

The virtual event will begin with a General Membership Meeting followed by Volunteer Appreciation. The agenda includes a membership vote to elect our 2022-2023 Executive committee and a vote on the proposed 2022-2023 Budget.

The proposed budget is available for review in advance. (Check back here!)

It’s not too late to become a voting member of Bryant PTSA for 2021-2022!  Join here.

Meeting details:

June 7, 2022 at 7:00PM

Meetings will be hosted via Google Meet,

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 641-569-8729‬ PIN: ‪955 754 102‬#

To inquire about accommodations to attend this event, please contact

We hope you can join us!

Click here for a full list of 2020-21 PTSA meetings.


2021-2022 Bryant PTSA Advocacy Round Up

From the Bryant PTSA Advocacy Committee Co-Chairs

Carrie Lee and Nicole Witenstein Nowicki

Over the year, the Bryant PTSA has advocated for education funding and policies to support the school. Advocacy efforts are critical ways for the school community to be engaged with decisions made at the state and local government as well as school district levels that impact schools’ resources.

Bryant PTSA advocacy efforts this year have worked to:

  1. Support the school’s operational effectiveness and academic competitiveness
  2. Promote the school’s recovery from the pandemic on both a social and emotional level as well as in terms of stabilizing enrollment and leadership
  3. Expand community engagement

The PTSA in coordination with the organization’s Advocacy Committee have worked to support these goals through advocacy activities on the state level promoting enrollment stabilization funding and at the local level supporting the passage of the SPS School levies.  Further, over the year, the Bryant PTSA has advocated for adequate and stable school funding from SPS as well as policies that promote the school’s operational effectiveness.

Upcoming Advocacy Efforts and Engagement Opportunities

As Bryant PTSA members continue to work together and with schools across the district to promote ample and stable funding as well as programs to improve the educational outcomes of students, we invite interested Bryant school community members to add your support and to get involved in advocacy efforts.  For those interested, please contact

Learn more about Bryant PTSA’s advocacy at the State, Local and School District Level. 

Bryant Volunteer Appreciation – Nominations are OPEN!

Each year, the Bryant PTSA recognizes community members who have impacted our students and school community through service over the years.  Please take a few minutes to tell us about the individuals in our community who have made a difference for you and your students.  The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, June 3rd. 

Join us in appreciation of our community at the start of our final general membership meeting on June 7th. 

Questions?  Contact

Bryant PTSA Board 2022-2023 Call for Nominations

We need you!

The Bryant PTSA is looking for passionate volunteers to serve on the PTSA Board for the 2022 – 2023 school year.

There are many leadership and committee chair positions open next year, including the president, vice president, treasurer, and co-chair roles.  The Executive Committee positions, at a minimum, must be filled by the June 14th PTSA meeting for the PTSA to operate. This is an opportunity and call to action for new community members to join the board. The 2022-23 Bryant PTSA board will have a critical role in leading the Bryant community as we return to old and make new community traditions next school year.  At its core, PTSA is a child advocacy organization. We are looking for PTSA board members who are passionate about the PTSA’s mission and are committed to building equitable and inclusive spaces. People of color and advocates for marginalized identities are especially encouraged to join!   

More information about the role of the Bryant PTSA here

Board member position descriptions are linked here. 

If you are interested, curious, or want to learn more, don’t hesitate to contact Carrie Lee ( or Maureen Bhak ( We are looking to identify nominees by the end of May to be approved at the June 14th PTSA meeting. In addition, we can help answer questions and connect you with current PTSA board members in the role. Everyone on the board is juggling many hats as volunteers, and opportunities big and small are available. 

Bryant PTSA Board Positions and Openings 


Nominations 2022-2023

PTSA Member

Executive Committee


(These positions must be filled for PTSA to operate)


Nominee Identified

Vice President* (Or Co-President)


Co-Treasurer – Lead


Co-Treasurer – Check Writing


Co-Treasurer – Check Deposits

Carly Vynne Baker


Nominee identified


Anna Bonnett


Chair Roles

Fundraising Committee Co-chair


Fundraising Committee Co-chair

Jennifer DuHamel

Membership Co-chair

Nominee identified

Membership Co-chair

Mei Shih

Volunteer Co-chair

Maureen Bhak

Volunteer Co-chair


Advocacy Co-chair

Nicole Witenstein

Advocacy Co-chair

Carrie Lee

Community Engagement Co-chair


Community Engagement Co-chair


Communications Chairperson

Hana Dushek

Member at large

Kathy Austin

Equity Chair/Co-Chair


Teacher Representative

Kaitlin Holley

Teacher Representative

Chara Johnson

Letter to SPS Fall 2022 Bell Times

Dear Ms. Davies,

Following last week’s release of the SPS proposal to alter the district’s school schedule, the Bryant PTSA created and sent a survey to understand the needs of families and provide critical family engagement regarding the announcement of the change in school bell times.

In less than 72 hours, 63% of Bryant families responded to the survey, and they shared with us what we believe to be universally true for elementary families across the district. The overwhelming majority of responses indicated that the SPS proposed changing school start times will be extremely difficult for families. 

  • 69% of respondents stated they would need before school care

  • 51% of respondents would need after school care

  • Yet, 67.9% of respondents do not know what child care options are available to them.

  • 63% of respondents stated that the change in bell times would negatively impact their livelihoods. The 9:30 AM time seems especially hard because it affects most morning and afternoon work schedules.

The qualitative data collected in this survey pointed to several major themes:

  • There will be a significant, different, and relatively immediate need for childcare coverage. Currently, in the Bryant Community, the need for childcare is far greater than the options available, and the proposed bell times would widen this gap both at Bryant and city-wide. 

  • Livelihood impact – an example from one parent: “With older siblings in earlier start times in middle school, I will have to go part-time to provide morning child care for my elementary student. A 9:30 start is a huge disruption for working parents, especially those who have to be in person.”

  • Student impacts – mental health, afterschool activities, playtime, special needs for special education, etc. 

We’ve attached the full report to this email if you want to look it over.  

Due to all these hardships, we ask that you reconsider placing any elementary schools in the 9:30 AM tier.  This request is in alignment with Bryant’s building administration’s request.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Bryant PTSA

Bryant PTSA Board 2022-2023 Call for Nominations and Info Sessions

The Bryant PTSA is looking for passionate volunteers to serve on the PTSA Board for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
Virtual Information Session: PTSA 101 and Q&A on PTSA Board Roles
with the current PTSA president and Nominating Committee
Thursday, April 28th from 6-7PM
Join via google meet:
Note: attending the session is NOT required to be nominated to the board
In-Person Meet and Greet: Q&A 
with current PTSA board members, Vice President and Nominating Committee
Wednesday May4th from 8-9PM
Ravenna Brewing
Join us to come say hello and learn how to get engaged in our community. 
With many leadership and committee chair positions opening up (including the president and vice president roles), there is an opportunity and need for new community members to join the board. The 2022-23 Bryant PTSA board will have a critical role to lead the Bryant community as we return to old and make new community traditions next school year.  At its core, PTSA is a child advocacy organization. Additionally, Bryant PTSA signed on to a Resolution on Anti-Racism in 2020 – there is lots of opportunity to make good on this commitment!
We are looking for PTSA board members who are passionate about the PTSA’s mission and are committed to building equitable and inclusive spaces. People of color, and advocates for marginalized identities are especially encouraged to join!   
To nominate yourself or someone else, please contact Carrie Lee ( or Maureen Bhak ( 
The Bryant PTSA works to:
  • advocate for the well-being and education of all children in our community;
  • identify and prioritize the needs of students furthest from educational justice;
  • dismantle the structural racism that marginalizes our black, indigenous and people of color communities;
  • foster connections between students, families, teachers, staff and administrators;
  • cultivate an inclusive community and sense of belonging at Bryant; and
  • enrich the learning environment through volunteerism and sustainable funding. 
We need you to help realize these goals for our community!