Bryant PTSA Endorsement of SPS School Levy Renewals – Vote Feb 8th!

Bryant PTSA has endorsed the SPS School Levy Renewals. These levies have also been officially supported by several other PTSAs and community organizations. Vote by February 8! – Ballots have arrived get yours in!
Community Event: Join us Sat Jan 29th: Sign Making and Neighborhood Sign Waving
WHAT: Make signs and wave signs to help get out the vote
WHEN: Sat Jan 29th. Make signs from 9:30 – 10:30 and wave from 10:30-11:30
WHERE: Sign making @ Bryant Elementary. Sign waving @65th & 35th
WHO: You and your family and your neighbors!
Let us know if you can join us at this community engagement event to spread the word and get out the vote in our community. We will have poster making supplies and granola bars! Additional sign waving on Mon Feb 7th at drop-off and pick-up
Donate to the campaign! Sign up as a supporter!
Get a yard sign! – Contact and we will get you one for your yard
On February 8, Seattle voters have the chance to vote YES on Propositions 1 & 2. These ballot measures are not new taxes and replace the Seattle Public Schools Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy and the Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics Levy V (BTA V). Find out more about Propositions 1 & 2 by visiting  Building projects planned for Bryant elementary through the capital levy can be found at Local funds cover critical basic education, daily operations, building renovations and technology needs. Levy revenue makes up 15% of Seattle Public School funding, capital and technology levy funds additional construction and technology costs.  Our schools depend on local funds and must pass on Feb 8th to be secured. 

Questions? Want to get involved in advocacy? Contact us at

Open House for Prospective Families

Welcome to Bryant Elementary! Bryant’s kindergarten teaching team will host an online information session for all incoming K-5 families. The teachers will provide an overview of the school, and separate information on the kindergarten program and 1st-5th grades. Parents will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions to the K teachers and related staff (principal, LASER after school program staff, PTSA representatives).  

Where: Microsoft Teams

When: February 3 at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Teams link will open at 5:15pm)

More information here

Email Mr. Gallagher (kindergarten teacher) at regarding attendance.

February 1st – Special General Membership Meeting


Due to the continued need to have COVID-19 safety protocols in place, the PTSA has many programs that will not be able to run as hoped for this school year. Therefore, to better support the needs of the school at this time, the PTSA Executive Committee is calling for a special General Membership meeting on February 1st, 2022, at 7 PM via Goole Meet to discuss the changes to the budget, propose reallocations, and ask for approval of these changes from General Membership.

Special General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, February 1 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 401-646-0033‬ PIN: ‪114 545 724‬#
More phone numbers:

Winter Celebration and Giving Drive

Winter Celebration & Giving Drive

SAVE THE DATE! Join us at 1-3pm on Saturday Dec. 11th @ the Bryant Playground. 

We will have hot cocoa and cookies. Come make snowflakes to take home and decorate holiday cards for Farestart to include in holiday meals donated to community members in need. Cards can also be made at home and dropped off. 
Bring essential home goods to stock the pantry at Mercy Housing at Sandpoint/Magnuson Park (i.e. toilet paper, diapers, soap, shampoo, menstrual products, sponges, dish soap, conditioner, laundry detergent, socks, baby wipes, hand sanitizer – amazon wish list ideas) or donate directly online to Mercy Housing
Bryant PTSA Families in Need program will also be collecting $25 QFC grocery cards to be donated to our sister school. Our sister school is a Title 1 elementary school in the Seattle Public School district. With the increase in grocery prices and two week winter break approaching, families need extra assistance buying food. Bring the QFC gift cards to the Giving Drive or donate online. Thank you!
This will be an outdoor only event. We will not have access to the building bathrooms so come prepared. Please follow Covid safety protocols – wear your mask when not actively eating/drinking and stay home if you are not well. 
We need volunteers to make this event successful! Seeking help with stations for hot cocoa and cookies; craft table for families to make snowflakes to take home and decorate holiday cards for Farestart; and collect and deliver giving drive items. Please use this SignUpGenius to volunteer. 
Questions: Please contact Carrie Lee at or Serih Cook at

SPS School Levy Renewal Info Session for Bryant PTSA

The Bryant PTSA Board invites you for a special session on Dec 7th at 7pm (via Bryant PTSA TEAMS link) to learn more about the two school levy renewals on the February ballot in 2022. District staff from Seattle Public Schools will be joining us. 
This session is specifically for the Bryant community, staff will speak to capital improvements levy funding would support at Bryant, Eckstein and Roosevelt schools and across the district. Join us to learn more!
The Bryant PTSA board and members will discuss the levy at the Dec PTSA meeting and will vote on endorsement of the ballot measure at the Dec/Jan meeting. 
Questions: Please contact Bryant Advocacy PTSA co-chairs Carrie Lee and Nicole Witenstein:

Record-Breaking Annual Campaign Results!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Annual Campaign. We were blown away by the support from the Bryant community, especially during this challenging year.
– We reached record participation at 97%!
– We exceeded our fundraising goal at 104%!
– Seventeen classes reached 100% participation and won an extra recess!
Your donations will make a difference for all Bryant students, providing critical academic and enrichment support along with supplies, community-building events, and assistance to families in need.
At Bryant, we take care of ourselves. We take care of each other. We take care of our school.
Thank you for supporting Bryant!

2021-22 Bryant PTSA Annual Campaign

Click here to participate in the campaign.

All Bryant students deserve the best possible education and the brightest future. Thank you for your continued support Bryant during these challenging times.

Your annual campaign donation funds over 75% of all PTSA activities. This is the only direct appeal for funds each year.

Please make your gift to support Bryant students today.