Lunar New Year Assembly – February 14th

Dearborn Dance Troupe performing Lunar New Year celebration
Dearborn Park International Music & Dance Troupe performing Lunar New Year celebration

Please save-the-date for a special guest performance assembly by Dearborn Park International Music & Dance Troupe on Friday, February 14th from 10:00-10:45 AM before we leave for Midwinter Break. Dearborn Park will be performing their Lunar New Year Celebration program for Bryant students. Their Lunar New Year Celebration performances include the traditional folk dances, as well as trending pop from areas all around Asia including China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. The dance styles will range from Wushu Style Shaolin Kungfu, K-Pop, Breakdance, Acrobatics to the traditional Chinese-Vietnamese Lion and Dragon dances. The purpose of the performance is to celebrate the Asian culture surrounding the Lunar New Year along with the differences that each culture has towards the holiday.

We hope you can join us!

Thank you,

Michaela Koerner Storkman

K-5 Music Specialist

Volunteers Needed – Roller Skating in PE

From Mr. Adams – Health & P.E. Specialist

We are roller skating in my PE classes in the gym, January 13-31. Students are welcome and encouraged to bring their own helmets and/or skates/rollerblades . They will need to mark their equipment with their names before they bring it to PE. Student helmets and skates cannot be left in the gym.

Parent volunteers are especially needed to help with Kindergarten-1st grade classes from 12:15-2:25 p.m. 

We are looking for anyone that would like to donate Small or X-Small Helmets ( new or used) to the P.E. department at Bryant Elementary. 

Thank you for your support.

Popular Author, Zetta Elliott, to Visit Bryant!

Author Zetta Elliott will be visiting with all of Bryant’s students on January 22 in the library. Her popular fantasy novel, Dragons in a Bag, is one of the Global Reading Challenge selections this year, and she’ll be telling us about the next installment, The Dragon Thief. Zetta visits us from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she has a lively career as a Black feminist writer of poetry, plays, essays, novels, and stories for children. Additionally, she has taught at several outstanding colleges, including Ohio University and Mount Holyoke.

Third Place Books will be here to sell some of Zetta’s titles. Click HERE for an order form and return to us by 8:00 AM on January 22.


Build community and have fun!

We’re bringing back the grade-level grants!

The Bryant PTSA is offering grants for you to hold an event for families in your grade level. Bryant PTSA will grant up to $500 to each grade level to build engagement among its families. The money is intended to help fund events for families to meet and form connections with each other, in the hopes that stronger social relationships will translate to a stronger school community for our children.

Some ideas for FUN ways to spend your grant:

  • Hold a potluck cookout at a local park where you provide the burgers/hot dogs
  • Host a game night at a community center or at school
  • Host a movie night with free concessions (the PTSA has movie licenses that would cover this!)
  • Put on a talent show
  • Host a summer-time event to get families together outside of the school-year

Download the grade-level grant info sheet, or email for info today.

Meet Your Politicians in the Bryant Library!

December 10, 6:15-7:00pm

Senator David Frockt, Representative Gerry Pollet, Representative Javier Valdez, SPS Director Hampson, SPS Director Hersey and newly elected City Councilman Alex Pedersen. This is an excellent opportunity for your family – kids included – to ask your politicians about issues that are important to you. Whether it is lead in the water in Seattle Public Schools, preventing gun violence, what the impact of I-976 will be on buses, how Special Education should be funded, and/or anything else that is on your mind.  
Light snacks will be served. Regular PTSA Board Meeting to follow.  
Questions?  Please contact