2019-20 Meeting Schedule

Meetings are Tuesdays at 7pm in the Library unless otherwise noted.
(General Meetings are in bold)

September 17, 2019
Minutes | Budget |Treasurer Overview

October 15, 2019
Minutes | Budget

November 12, 2019
Minutes | Budget

December 10, 2019
Minutes | Budget

January 14, 2020 Postponed to January 21 due to snow
Minutes | Budget

February 11, 2020
Minutes | Budget

March 11, 2020 (Wed)
Minutes | Budget

April 7, 2020
Minutes | Budget

May 12, 2020
Minutes | Financials | Proposed 2020-2021 Budget

June 9, 2020
Minutes | Financials | Approved 2020-2021 Budget

SPEAKER: Mindfulness for the Whole Family

All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend our first Speaker: Wednesday, October 2nd at 7-8:30 pm in the Bryant Library

This 90-minute workshop teaches you the foundational principles of mindfulness and the impact it’s having in our schools and at home.You’ll be able to understand the benefits of Mindfulness and learn how to practice Mindfulness at home as a family.

Cultivating Mindfulness helps you:
-Create Self-Awareness
-Develop emotional regulation skills
-Increase your ability to focus

Why Mindfulness Matters:
Practicing mindfulness electrifies our ability to regulate mood and emotion and reduces stress and anxiety.  For parents this means stronger relationships with their children through empathy and self-awareness.  For students this means greater emotional stability for a fulfilling life and mental clarity necessary for deep focus and peace.

About the Instructor:
Kristy Banks has a Masters in Elementary and Special Education from Teacher’s College Columbia University and is a certified Behavior Analyst. She continues her mindfulness education journey through workshops and courses.

Since 2010, Kristy has been a special education teacher at the Kent School District, teaching grades two through twelve. She first introduced mindfulness into her classroom in 2015. Struck by the impact it had, colleagues requested she introduce mindfulness in their classrooms. Over the past four years, she’s helped a dozen classrooms and over a hundred kids experience the joy of meditation.

Back 2 Bryant

2nd annual Back to Bryant! Ease back into the school year with a visit the day before school! Check out your new classroom, establish a nickname with your new teacher, and see some classmates at this casual re-entry to the year. No need to bring anything other than yourself.

When you’ve had enough classroom time, come join everyone out on the schoolyard for some lemonade until you’re ready to go home and get prepared for the big day.

Writers’ Celebration BBQ — You’re Invited!

Join your student for lunch on Friday, June 7th. It’s a great opportunity to shake off authors’ jitters before settling down to the important work of sharing their writing. Grab a quick bite before you lead your writers’ circle or take your time and catch up with other parents and favorite teachers. Little siblings welcome! 

Lunch times will be:
Kindergarten 10:30-11:10
1st Grade 10:45-11:25
2nd Grade 11:00-11:40
3rd Grade 11:15-11:55
4th Grade  11:30-12:10
5th Grade 11:50-12:30

We’ll need help too! Please consider volunteering for short jobs ranging from right after drop-off to just after lunch.  Look for sign up forms in kid mail this week and return by Friday, May 24th

Questions? Please contact Angela Graham