2017-18 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are at 7pm in the Bryant Library unless otherwise noted. (Dates in bold are General Meetings)

September 12, 2017
Minutes | Budget | Balance Sheet | 2016-17 Treasurer’s Report

October 10, 2017
Minutes | Budget

November 14, 2017
Minutes | Budget

December 5, 2017
Minutes | Budget

January 9, 2018
Minutes | Budget

February 13, 2018
Minutes | Budget

March 13, 2018
Minutes | Budget

April 3, 2018

May 8 2018
Minutes | Budget | Proposed 2018-19 budget

June 12, 2017
Minutes | Budget

ASE class registration NOW OPEN!


For registration and information visit www.seattlease.org or follow the After School Enrichment link under the Enrichment tab. There you can view all of the class descriptions, and register and pay online all in one place.

There’s also limited space available for regular Wednesday early release classes that go until 2:30 or 3:30

Registration will close September 17th, with classes starting the first week of October.

Where do you go?

Look for colored signs on the playground the first few days of school marking where your classroom lines up. That will also be where you should meet your student at the end of the day. And remember, school gets out early every Wednesday (except the first day for 1st-5th) at 1:10pm!

Then, once you see them off on that first day, join us in the lunchroom Wed, Sept 6 and Mon, Sept 11 from 8-9am for our First Day Welcome with breakfast treat and rub shoulders with school principals and PTSA leaders to see how you can engage with Bryant this year.