Veteran’s Day assembly Nov 10

Thursday, November 10th 1:25-1:55
Bryant Lunchroom/Gym

Invite the veterans in your life to this year’s Veteran’s Day assembly at Bryant. During the assembly they will be asked to come up to the front to be acknowledged for their service. They can be veterans of the U.S military or from other nations. They can be currently serving in the military.

Please make sure your guest knows the day and time to be here. They should sign as a guest visitor in at the office, then meet us in the lunchroom. Thank you for your help in making our assembly meaningful.

ASE Assistant job available on-site at Bryant

We are seeking a team member who will be responsible for following-up on student absences, supporting students when needed, and providing classroom management support to an ASE computer class instructor.

Applicants should be reliable, positive, have experience working with children, possess basic classroom management skills, and have knowledge of the computer game “Minecraft”.

This is a 1.5 hr position Monday – Friday at Bryant Elementary School. Pay range $15 – $20 an hour depending on experience. Required to pass background check.

Please email letter of interest and resume to Clive Woodhouse.

November: at a glance

Tuesday, Nov 1: Picture Retakes (Individual)
Friday, Nov 4: 8am Chat with the Principals
Tuesday, Nov 8: 7pm PTSA Board Meeting
Thursday, Nov 10: 1:25-1:55pm Veteran’s Day Assembly
Friday, Nov 11: No School, Veterans Day
Wednesday, Nov 16: 12:05pm 2-hour Early Dismissal
Nov 21 – 25: No School, Teacher Conferences and Thanksgiving Break

Bryant family movie night!  

Coming soon to a screen near you Fri, Oct 14!

It’s Bryant Family Movie Night, screening…  Zootopia!

All Bryant families are invited to come watch a FREE movie, munch on popcorn and hang out with their favorite sidekicks. This event is being planned by the Fourth Grade Fundraising Team, but is for EVERYONE and designed for fun and community building. All proceeds from popcorn, concessions, and the bake sale will go toward the Islandwood fundraising goal. And, of course, any donations are always appreciated.

Date:  Friday October 14, 2016  (School is out that day for a Teacher Inservice, but we’re taking over the school that night anyway)  

Time: Doors open at 6, movie starts at 6:30 (movie is 108 minutes long). We will plan to be out of the building no later than 9pm.

Place: Bryant lunchroom

Bring: A clean blanket for kiddos to sit on. Adults can sit on blankets or bring chairs for the back row only.

$: Bring cash for popcorn, concessions, and baked goods, the movie is free.  Donations accepted.

Questions contact us at We can’t wait to see you and your kiddos!

From the District: Survey for adjustments to 2017-18 schedule

Seattle Public Schools and Seattle Education Association are partnering to increase students’ access to core content, improve instruction and accelerate student achievement.

As part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement process, SEA and SPS agreed to add 20 minutes to the school day in 2017-18 and provide one hour per week of teacher collaboration time. As the district plans to make this schedule adjustment, we want to hear from families and stakeholders on how the additional time should be added and how and when to schedule the collaboration time.

You may provide feedback in one of two ways:

  1. Complete the online survey.
  2. Complete and turn in a paper-based survey at your child’s school

Review how your preferences would change your child’s schedule.

We appreciate your time.

October’s reader of the month

We’re all getting settled back into our Bryant routines, including weekly classroom visits to the Bryant library for books. Fourth Grader Luc is our featured reader this month, and you can view his full sized poster in the front of the library all month.

Watch for your opportunity to feature your favorite reader at the online auction later this year.

October: at a glance

Monday,  Oct 10: 8 to 9 a.m. Volunteer Welcome/Orientation

Tuesday, Oct 11: 7 p.m. PTSA General Meeting

Thursday, Oct 13: 7 p.m. Volunteer Welcome/Orientation

Friday, Oct 14: No school — Professional Development Day

Friday, Oct 14: doors open 6 p.m. Bryant movie night — Zootopia

Tuesday, Oct 18: Individual Photos

October 17 to 28: Annual Campaign

Wednesday, Oct 26: 12:05 p.m. 2-Hour Early Dismissal

Monday, Oct 31: 9:50 a.m. Halloween Prowl (tentatively)