Thanks for supporting education!

Thanks for showing up at Thursday’s Walk-in Come join us and wear red to express your support for adequate school funding and sharing your vision for our public schools. Bryant students, families and teachers joined schools supporters around the country this week to send the message to legislators that education should be our highest priority. See some images and video from the walk-in on the PTSA Facebook page.

Go Red for Ed!

Please join Bryant staff, students and families for a “Walk In” on Thursday, February 18, beginning at 8:45 in front of Bryant.

Funding for education is an issue across the nation. On February 17 and 18, educators, parents, students, and supporters will “walk in” at over 20 major cities across the U.S., including Chicago and LA. Parents, educators, and students gather in front of the school before school starts and “walk in” together. Read more

Two ways to advocate for our students

1. Make your voice heard in Olympia
The WA State PTA’s annual “Focus Day” in the State Capitol is coming up fast – Wednesday February 3rd. Join other parents from across the state in Olympia by registering here. If you can’t make the trip to Olympia, we will be taking some time at our February 9th Bryant PTSA meeting to send short messages to our legislators. This will be easy and motivating to do as a group, so please join in.

2. Vote For Seattle Schools on February 9th!
On February 9, 2016, Seattle voters will be asked to renew two expiring levies that provide essential funding for our schools. Neither of these levies is a new tax; they renew expiring levies. The Operations levy provides a quarter of the day-to-day operating budget for Seattle Public Schools. This levy funds everything from teacher and principal salaries to textbooks and classroom supplies – basic essentials that students need to succeed. If renewed, the Operations levy will direct $758 million to public education over three years. Read more

From the District: Special Ed parent focus group

All parents of students receiving special education services within the Northeast Region are invited to join us for a focus group:

March 3rd, 6:00-7:30 PM
Olympic View Elementary Library

This focus group will provide an opportunity for you to share the experience of your student and family and will be facilitated by representatives from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). The focus group is one component of the District’s Memorandum of Understanding with OSPI and our ongoing efforts to build and sustain systems that ensure substantial compliance in our services for students with disabilities. If you are interested in attending, we ask that you kindly RSVP to Pam Klopfer at or 206-252-0054. We have capacity for the first 30 parents who respond to participate. Please specify if child care or interpreting services will be needed. Light refreshments will be provided. Read more

Bryant’s Student Hunger Service Project packs up its first 60 weekend meal packs for NE Seattle students

Bryant’s pilot program, in conjunction with the Hunger Intervention Program (HIP), culminated its first month’s food collection with a packing party to assemble 60 weekend meal packs to send home with students facing hunger every day in northeast Seattle. The 5th Graders collected food items through December and came together Friday night to complete their work of preparing packages of food that will be discretely distributed to students by HIP. Next up will be the 3rd Graders, who have already started collecting food for the next delivery to HIP at the end of January.

From Hannah Lack, Bryant’s new Elementary Assistant

Hello! I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. I’m Hannah Lack, the new Elementary Assistant here at Bryant. You can email me for any issues concerning attendance or requests for bus passes. For bus passes please include the bus number, your child’s name, what room number they are in , and who they are riding home with. Thank you so much and I look forward to meeting more of you!