Kindergarten admissions nights offer assistance

Seattle Public Schools is offering admissions guidance in January and February at local schools. Get help completing your forms, speak to admissions staff through interpreters and submit your paperwork in person. Choose a date/location that works for you. See the flyer for details on the paperwork, or visit the District’s enrollment page to download the forms and see an overview of the entire process. Read more

Check the lost & found!

Coming in for your parent-teacher conference? Please remember to check the Lost and Found racks located in the main hallway, for any of your student’s lost items. There are many sweaters, coats, lunchboxes, water bottles and miscellaneous items that would love to be reunited with their owners! All unclaimed items will be donated to charity. Thank you!

Paramount Duty Resolution adopted by Bryant PTSA

The attached Paramount Duty Resolution was adopted and signed by the general membership at the PTSA Board meeting on November 10th.  It sends a message to our legislators that as parents, citizens and voters, we request they uphold the Washington State Constitution that mandates the State amply fund education for all children.

We are sending the signed Paramount Duty Resolution to our 46th District Legislators, Gov Jay Inslee and the Senate and House Education Committee Members. Read more

Join the Lunch Recess Parent Team!

We have immediate openings for lunch recess volunteers weekly (or alternating weeks) from 12 – 1:30 pm.

Our playground volunteers help make Bryant a safe and fun place to be by helping kids in small ways like tying shoes & giving out band-aids, to bigger ways like giving gentle reminders of school policy, reporting incidents to playground staff and building social skills. This is a great way to get to know our school and Bryant students of all ages! Read more

Ask the PTSA: How are my membership dues used?

Your membership in the Bryant PTSA lets you affect advocacy for our students at the school, regional and national levels. Your annual membership dues are only $12 per person or $20 for a household of two, the majority of your dues fund our dues in the larger PTSA/PTA organizations.

The PTSA and PTA, as powerful regional and national voting blocs, advocate for students and provide legislative voice for children in Olympia and Washington, D.C. This year, the state PTA and city PTSA are working to pressure the legislature to honor the McCleary decision to properly fund and prioritize education in the state. The Seattle Council PTSA has outlined steps to advocate for funding McCleary in its Paramount Duty campaign, which we’ll be discussing at our November PTSA meeting. Read more