District makes recommendations for bell time changes

The District is presenting Superintendent Nyland’s draft recommendation on bell time changes  for the 2016-17 school year at community meetings through Mon, Oct 5. The proposal has most elementary schools, including Bryant’s, school day going 8am to 2:10pm. Preview the presentation and the proposed bell time changes and read up on the research and implementation timeline at the District’s website. Monday’s meeting is at 6:30 at Jane Adams Middle School. The Seattle School Board will be voting on the Superintendent’s recommendation in October or November. Email questions and comments to arrivaltimes@seattleschools.org.

Green Team applications due Monday

Do you have a budding young environmentalist at home? If so, we hope you will encourage him or her to apply for Green Team! This is an important job in our community and we’re excited to be able to expand it to include students as young as first grade this year. In Ms. Salisbury’s absence, Ms. Pearson will be out in classrooms recruiting new members this week.

From the District: Advanced Learning apps due Oct 8

From Stephen Martin, Advanced Learning Program Manager

Information about Seattle Public Schools Advanced Learning program can be found at the District’s website.

Application Forms: Advanced Learning is making every effort to “go green” this year by shifting to less paper-intensive systems. Find the application process for testing your student on the District’s website. Submit your electronic form by Oct 8. Testing for Bryant students will be on Sat, Oct 17 at Cascadia at Lincoln. Read more

Welcome to DJ Wilson, our new Playground Supervisor!

Please welcome DJ Wilson as our new Playground Supervisor to help supervise morning and lunch recesses. “Miss DJ” comes to us from LASER, where she is a counselor. DJ’s own children attended Laurelhurst, Eckstein, and Roosevelt, and now that they are grown she enjoys watching football and spending time with her grand-dogs. She is excited to join the Bryant staff in this new role since it gives her a way to “get to know the students I work with even better.”

Join (or renew) with the Bryant PTSA today!

Top Five Reasons to Join the PTSA:

  1. Build a partnership between our school and our families.
  2. Vote on the Bryant PTSA budget, on resolutions, and for the Bryant PTSA Executive Board.
  3. Help fund PTSA scholarships and grants.
  4. Provide a legislative voice for our children in Olympia and in Washington, D.C.
  5. Get exclusive member discounts at businesses like at Great Wolf Lodge and Kinko/FedEx

Your PTSA membership needs to be renewed every year. Hit the ground running this year. Download your membership form today and have your membership ready to go.

Advocate for Our Kids

By Joan Crooks, PTSA Legislative Chair

One of the key roles of the PTSA is to advocate for our kids and our schools. Here are three things you can do as we start off the school year:

1. Learn about the candidates for Seattle School Board – The Seattle Council PTSA and the League of Women Voters are sponsoring a Seattle School Board Candidates Forum. The details: Thursday, October 8 from 7 to 8:30 pm, at Seattle First Baptist, 1111 Harvard Avenue. Registration is requested but not required. Read more