There’s still time to get creative and join in the National PTAs Reflections Art Program.

Kids, create your own works of art inspired by the theme “I am Hopeful Because…” and follow the entry instructions below to participate.

We will celebrate your participation at Bryant’s Reflections Exhibition and Showcase party in December and, if selected, you may have a chance to be recognized at city, state and even national levels!



1. You’ll see an artist’s statement section on the entry form. That statement is definitely worth some thought. This should be kid-generated, but parents can help transcribe/type as needed. For the signature, just type in the name. Once filled out, please rename the file with your child’s name and grade and email it to

2. Click on any of the following entry categories to see the submission guidelines for each. Please follow the instructions closely: Dance Choreographyen español; Film Productionen español; Literatureen español; Music Compositionen español; Photographyen español; Visual Artsen español; Special Artist Rulesen español

3. You may choose to submit up to two artworks, however, only one entry per arts category is allowed.

4. Drop off physical works of art in the Reflections Drop Off Bin located outside the Main Office by November 6th, clearly labeled on the backside only, and preferably with a copy of the form. Digital entries should be sent via email or provide a link for download.

Questions? Contact

Watch these videos to learn more about Reflections!
The National PTSA video 
2023 Call for Entries

We look forward to celebrating your creativity!

Still have time to join in Reflections!

Every year, thousands of kids around the country – including here at Bryant – create original works of art inspired by a specific theme and enter their work in the National PTAs Reflections Art Program. At Bryant, we celebrate all of our Reflections artists with a special Exhibition and Showcase party. If selected, you may also be recognized at city, state and even national levels.

This year’s theme is “I’m Hopeful Because. . .”

There are six categories to choose from – Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. You may choose to submit up to two artworks, however, only one entry per arts category is allowed. 

Deadline: Wednesday, November 1st

Want to learn more?
Contact for more information about categories and how to submit your work.

Watch these videos to learn more about Reflections!
The National PTSA video 
2023 Call for Entries

Bryant Boo Bash 2023!

Join us for a family fun-filled night of music, games, haunted house, photos, prizes and more this Saturday, October 21st at the Bryant Elementary School Playground from 4:00 p.m – 6:30 p.m.


Tickets purchased will be used for games, food, photos, and haunted house.

$1 per ticket
Games and Scavenger Hunt – 1 Ticket
Photo Booth, Face Painting, Haunted House – 3 Tickets
Pizza or Hotdog with chips and drink – 5 tickets

Tickets will be sold at the school garden everyday after school from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. starting on Tuesday, 10/17/23. Tickets purchased online and in advance can be picked up the following business day at the school garden from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the event.

The 2023-2024 Annual Campaign Has Begun!

Click here to participate in the Annual Campaign!

Goal: 100% Participation!*

Last year, Bryant achieved 98% participation!

Classes that reach 100% participation win a free recess!

Your tax-deductible online gift of $550 per student* (or more if you can!) helps provide:

  • Reading specialists and tutors for students needing early and continued support
  • Enrichment opportunities in arts, technology and library
  • Classroom assistance, supplies and field trip support
  • Community-building and academic events that bring Bryant families together
  • Support for our Bryant community and beyond including families and schools in need

Please join us in supporting our students!

Bryant PTSA

*No donation required to participate. Participate without donating by selecting the option online.


Bryant After-School Enrichment Classes Sign-up Open Now!

The Bryant after-school enrichment program (ASE) will be back in full swing this coming year starting the week of October 2nd.  Registration for classes opened last weekend, and class options include parkour, math champs, artist trading cards, Minecraft, chess club and much more!

We are seeking volunteers for 30 minutes after school to help kids get to their classes.  

To volunteer, and for up-to-date information please visit the after-school enrichment website at   Any Questions?  Please contact

2023-24 Bryant Directory

Stay connected to Bryant friends with the Bryant Directory. New this year the directory will be available virtually via a password-protected document instead of sending home a printed book.

To be included in the Bryant Director scan the QR code or use the link below to complete the survey. Thanks for responding by October 20th!

If you have questions or need to edit information in the directory please reach out to us at:

Thank you!

Bryant Directory Co-Chairs

Writers’ Celebration 2023! Friday, June 16th

What is the Writers’ Celebration?   Every year at Bryant, the PTSA celebrates the accomplishments of all our student writers by hosting the Writers’ Celebration, a schoolwide event during which each student has the opportunity to share a piece of writing – a book, story, or poem they have authored — in small, multi-age groups. This is one of the few activities at Bryant that mixes all grade levels, and it is heartwarming to watch the older students help and encourage the younger ones. The students work long and hard on these projects and are very proud to share them with their peers.

Where do you come in? We will need volunteers to lead a group of six or seven enthusiastic students for 30 minutes. Each group will be facilitated by 1-2 volunteer leaders or a teacher. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we won’t be able to accommodate any additional adult spectators.

How do you sign up?  

Step 1: To lead a group, you must complete all SPS volunteer requirements (which include a screening disclosure form, taking a short online course, reviewing online docs, and providing a copy of your photo ID).

New Volunteers:  Complete online Volunteer Application for Seattle Public Schools: New Volunteer in Seattle Public Schools

Returning Volunteers: Renew online Volunteer Application for Seattle Public Schools: Application Renewal Process for Returning Volunteers 

Step 2: Complete the Writers’ Celebration volunteer sign-up by Friday, June 9th

Questions? Please contact Volunteer Leads – Mo Bhak and Sarah Blake at

DRAFT Resolution for Bryant PTSA: Resolution on Aligning Engagement with 2020 Anti-Racism Resolution

The following PTSA members have coordinated over the past few months to prepare the following resolution and are seeking adoption by the Bryant PTSA at the June 13 Bryant PTSA General Meeting. All Bryant PTSA members are encouraged to attend on June 13 to engage on this issue.


Developed by the following Bryant PTSA members: Carrie Lee, Nat Jungbluth, Nina Mettler, Mary Fontana, Katie Hurley


Whereas Bryant Elementary PTSA adopted an Anti-Racism Resolution in June 2020 affirming that “Bryant PTSA commits to being an anti-racist organization;”


Whereas a 2016 study found that Seattle Public Schools had the 5th-biggest gap in achievement between Black and white students amongst large school districts in the US;


Whereas Seattle Public Schools developed Weighted Staffing Standards to align with Seattle School Board Policy No. 0030 ENSURE EDUCATIONAL AND RACIAL EQUITY to meet the needs of students who have been historically underserved by protecting and providing differentiated resources to schools classified as Tier I and Tier II schools based on their Equity Index score;


Whereas Bryant Elementary ranks as the 6th-lowest Equity Index rating out of 102 schools due to the low proportion of historically underserved students and is classified as a Tier IV school;


Whereas Seattle Public Schools does not receive sufficient funding from the State of Washington to fully fund many school staff, including school leaders, nurses, and social workers, nor to provide special education services needed by students; 


Whereas the Washington State local levy cap prevents Seattle Public Schools from increasing property taxes to increase revenue for schools;


Whereas Bryant Elementary PTSA is a member of the WA State PTA and National PTA organizations whose mission is to be a “strong advocate for the well-being and education of all children” and who believe that “we cannot only focus on our own children. We must care for other people’s kids because the lives of our own children—or grandchildren—will be affected by contact with those other kids;”


Whereas large differences in familial wealth and income in different school communities within Seattle Public Schools contribute to wide disparities in PTSA fundraising potential, such that some schools, including Bryant, have large PTSA operating budgets while other schools have essentially no PTSA funding;


Whereas several well-funded PTAs in Seattle Public Schools and the wider region have committed to fundraising for schools with no or limited PTSA fundraising, including:

  • Portland Public Schools: after the first $10,000 raised by a school, ⅓ of all local school foundation proceeds are required to be donated to Portland Public School Parent – Equity Fund, a central fund managed by the district that offers grants to high-need schools through criteria set by the district 
  • Montlake Elementary PTA contributes 10% of its annual budget to community fund sharing and provides an opt-in Equity Fund for family contributions. Funds go to Montlake families in need, Lowell Elementary, and SE Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance (~28k/yr)

  • TOPS K-8 PTA invites families to contribute to an Equity Fund which has raised ~20k/yr, and funds are split between Lowell Elementary and SE Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance (SESSFA)

  • Queen Anne Elementary PTA contributes 10% of the annual budget to SESSFA

  • Stevens Elementary PTA donates up to 10% of fundraising to groups like Families and Communities For Equity In Schools (FACES) and SESSFA 

  • McDonald International Elementary PTA provides a voluntary option to donate to the Community Partnership Fund. This money is donated to other schools’ PTAs to support equity in the district. In Fall 2021, Olympic Hills Elementary, Concord International, and Dearborn Park International PTAs received just over $5K each

  • Greenlake Elementary PTA contributes 3% of annual budget to sister school Rising Star Elementary PTA (projected ~4k for 2021-2022 school year) and co-organizes community volunteer events

  • Genesee Hill Elementary PTA supports an equitable use of PTA funds, such as fundshifting through the West Seattle Public School Equity Fund;


Whereas Bryant Elementary PTSA includes budget for Families In Need program for Bryant families and has facilitated families to opt in to support equitable giving throughout the year for our sister school – including funds in September for school supplies, Families In Need grocery gift cards for school breaks, and teacher appreciation, and for the SE Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance by hosting a Move-A-Thon at Bryant in April 2023. Total giving to the sister school in 22-23 school year was $7425 and the Families In Need budget was $3500, equivalent to approximately 3.6% of Bryant PTSA’s approximately $300,000 budget. Note: We have not included donations from the Move-a-Thon or sister school teacher appreciation because data is not available;


Resolved that the Bryant Elementary PTSA shall:


  1. Remain incorporated as a PTSA under the WA PTA and National PTA to support child advocacy of all children. Bryant PTSA will not pursue becoming an independent PTO.

  2. Prioritize advocacy efforts at the state- and district-level that support the well-being of all children in Seattle Public Schools. 

  3. Support the use of Equity Index and Equity Tiers to inform the Weighted Staffing Standards by Seattle Public Schools to ensure that resources are equitably distributed throughout the district to meet the needs of students who have historically been underserved. 

  4. Follow the lead of several other Seattle schools and establish a goal for Bryant PTSA to contribute the equivalent of 10% of overall budget to equity, through Families In Need budget from the Bryant PTSA and through voluntary opt-in fundraising for an Equity Fund to be part of the annual campaign and stand alone fundraising events. Funds donated to the Equity Fund would be distributed at the recommendation of the Bryant Equity Committee to the Bryant PTSA, including to the Title I Sister School and Alliance for Public Schools to distribute to schools without a PTSA program. 

    1. In practice what this would mean for the 23-24 budget is that Bryant PTSA would set a goal for $30,000 (i.e. 10% of  $300,000) to be donated to support equity: 23-24 FIN Budget $5250 from Bryant PTSA Budget + remaining $24,750 from opt-in Equity Fund part of annual campaign and school supplies, sister school gift cards, and other fundraising. 

  5. Support transparency in PTSA giving and publicly share information on the Bryant PTSA website on the Bryant PTSA budget and equity fund goal progress.