Current (22’-23’) 5th Grade Families

Hello Current 5th Grade Caregivers,

The PTSA was overjoyed that this year’s 5th graders were able to return to Islandwood camp!  A lack of fundraising last year combined with the unavailability of grant funding forced the Bryant PTSA to hurriedly pay the Islandwood fees for all 5th graders this fall. To help offset that expense, the PTSA requests 5th grade caregivers donate $360/student HERE to help cover the cost of this year’s Islandwood trip and upcoming graduation celebrations. 

We ask that families consider the recommended per student contribution, but ultimately pay what they can. Thank you for helping give back to our school!


The Bryant PTSA

PTSA Advocacy November Update

Last month, PTSA volunteers from across the state met at the Washington State PTA  (WSPTA) Annual Legislative Assembly to consider and vote on the adoption of new positions to be added to WSPTA’s policy platform.
This year, the assembly formally updated the association’s legislative platform. The Washington State PTA legislative platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle. The top five issues become the association’s short-term platform and consist of its priority issues when advocating throughout the year. 
The Top 5 Legislative Priorities for 2022-2024 that were approved by the Legislative Assembly include:

Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis
Addressing Critical Gaps in Education Funding
Preventing and Reducing Gun Violence and Suicide
Addressing Funding, Inclusion and Supports in Special Education
Building and Maintaining Safer School Facilities

As Bryant PTSA members continue to work together and with schools across the district at the state and school district levels to promote ample and stable funding as well as programs to improve the educational outcomes of students, we invite interested Bryant school community members to add your support and to get involved in advocacy efforts throughout the year. For those interested, please contact

Annual Campaign Record Results!

The Annual Campaign reached record setting results this year:
98% Participation! 117% Fundraising Goal!
To recognize how hard students worked to remind their adults to participate, the PTSA has decided that ALL Bryant classes will receive an extra recess!  (Note: This is not something we have done before, but this year was particularly exceptional.)
Thank you to all families for their support and generosity this year.  Together, we make difference for ALL students at Bryant.
Special thanks to the Bryant teachers, the lunchroom volunteers, the Bryant Weekly Team, the website team, room parents, and Amy & Kathleen at the front desk.
Jenn, Michael, Nelly and Sara 
PTSA Fundraising Committee

Presenting… Lion King Kids!

We are excited to announce that Lion King Kids will be our school play this year!  The African savannah comes to life on the Bryant stage with Simba, Rafiki and an unforgettable cast of characters as they journey from Pride Rock to the jungle… and back again, in this inspiring,
coming‐of‐age tale.
All 4th and 5th Graders are invited to participate in the Bryant School Play! Information packets will come home this week, so be on the lookout!  Registration is first-come, first serve, so don’t wait until the deadline to turn your forms into the Bryant Main Office.
Contact Jennifer at if you have any questions!

The Annual Campaign Has Begun!

Click here to participate in the Annual Campaign!


Goal: 100% Participation!*

Last year, Bryant achieved 97% participation!

Bryant classes that reach 100% participation win a free recess!


Your gift provides:

·       Reading & math specialists + tutors for students needing early and continued support

·       Enrichment opportunities in arts, music, technology & library which expand education beyond math, reading and science

·       Classroom assistance, supplies, & field-trip support for teachers that request it

·       Community-building & academic events that connect Bryant families to each other

·       Support for our Bryant community & beyond including families and schools in need


*No donation required to participate. Select the option at the link above.


Please join us in supporting our students!

Bryant PTSA

The Bryant Play Is Back!

We are thrilled to announce the return of the Bryant Play which is open to all 4th and 5th grade student performers! The name of the show will be announced later this month. Watch for an information packet to come home with your student in early November.

The amazing team from Seattle’s Performers will join us again this year to work with our 4th and 5th graders to bring this musical to the stage for our entire Bryant community to enjoy.

As with previous shows, we are expecting a lot of interest and are again planning to have two casts with spots for 60 performers! Performers will be registered on a first come, first served basis (paperwork will be date-stamped when submitted).  

  • Rehearsals: Mondays & Wednesdays, 6:15-8pm beginning Jan 9*
  • Final Performances: March 23, 24, 25*

      * All dates and times are tentative, pending confirmation with Bryant and SPS

We are looking for more lead volunteers to organize teams of parent volunteers: Treasurer, Front-of-House (day of show), Back-of-House (day of show), Cast Party (last night), Costumes, Props, Set Design/Build, and Publicity/Promotions (posters, t-shirts & programs).  Please email to get more information on these roles.

We are so excited to get started!

Jennifer DuHamel, Play Producer & Bryant Parent
Bridgit Jacobsen, Volunteer Lead & Bryant Parent
Michelle Graf, Tech Lead & Bryant Parent

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

As we kick off the 2022-2023 school year, the Bryant PTSA has some major volunteer opportunities for those looking to get involved with the school. If you can be flexible and want to shake things up in any of these roles, please come and join us! We would love to add a third Bryant Weekly Editor to join two other editors on a rotating basis, but the following roles are also needing to be filled:

  • Website Editor
  • Treasurer (check writer)
  • Facebook and Social Media Editor

There are several other roles that will impact the 2022-2023 school year and we are looking to have as many community members involved as possible. Please email if you are interested or have any questions. 


Be a Volunteer – Info Sessions:
Help us bring back Bryant community events. Please sign up here to volunteer. Learn more about volunteer opportunities at info sessions this month:
  • Thurs. Sept 22nd – 8-8:45am in School Garden after drop-off
  • Fri. Sept 23rd – 12-12:45pm VIRTUAL on Google Hangouts
  • Thurs. Oct 6th – 8-9pm at Ravenna Brewing