Bryant Elementary WELCOMES ALL New Families – 2023!

Bryant Elementary WELCOMES ALL New Families – 2023!

Bryant staff and PTSA heartily welcome you to our community and hope you can attend a special evening created with you and your arriving student in mind – IN PERSON!!!!

Most new families are kindergarten families and the night is overall geared towards their acclimation to Bryant so kindergarten staff will be in full attendance.

  • When: Thursday June 1st   5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: Bryant School 3311 NE 60th Street (use this entrance)
  • Who: YOU & your entering student (and family, if you wish), PTSA rep, principal(s),

K teachers, community childcare providers (LASER)

  • What: Hear: about our school, kindergarten, PTSA programs, and more…
  • Why: we want you to love Bryant as much as we do!!! 😊

No RSVP required but we’d love to know you are coming. If you wish email Kevin G. Gallagher, regarding Thursday June 1st.


Expected agenda:

5:00 – school front doors open (60th St entrance)

5:30 – 6:10 – Bryant ‘nuts & bolts’ – principal, PTSA, LASER. K team will each have information to share with you and answer related questions

  • K families information and Q & A session with the Kindergarten teaching team

Then till-7:00 – you can visit all the K rooms in the K hallway and the building, in general. We each will be in our rooms to answer questions you have. Additionally, we have Bryant-specific K topics to explain and Kinder-tools for viewing on student work tables.


A few more details will be emailed to you early that week…

Hope to see you then.

One Last Dance with Mr. Gallagher

Mr. Gallagher’s Famed Adult-Only Dance Party is Back!

If you’ve heard the rumor that Mr. Gallagher has a disco ball in his room… ’tis true.  If you’ve heard that he goes out a lot…. ’tis true.  If you’ve heard that parents have gone out with him… ’tis VERY true.  

He is offering the opportunity to join him for one last dance.  In the past, he has only provided this opportunity through the Bryant Online Auction. However, since Mr. Gallagher is retiring this year,  he is offering this to any Bryant community adult who would like to attend.  There are two dates to choose from.  Please RSVP for the date(s) you would like to attend below so we can let Mr. Gallagher know how many Bryant community members to expect.  

OPTIONAL: To honor his retirement, Mr. Gallagher has kindly requested that donations be made in his name and memory to Bryant PTSA. If you wish to donate, please do so by going here.

May 27: Lo-Fi in Eastlake for their excellent 80s night, two DJs, two dance floors, a fun crowd – and Mr. Gallagher! 

  • $15 cover per adult to be paid at the door (these proceeds do not support the Bryant PTSA)
  • Arrive early to get in.  10:00 p.m. doors open, and he’ll be there till closing at 2:00 a.m.
  • RSVP for May 27 

June 17: Neighbors on Capitol Hill for their killer club nights, fun contemporary club hits with some surprise retro hits sprinkled in. 

  • $10 cover per adult to be paid at the door (these proceeds do not support the Bryant PTSA)
  • Opens from 10:00 p.m. till 4:00 a.m. – Mr. Gallagher will be there all night!
  • RSVP for June 17

And, you know, you do not need to be a dancer to come. Each venue offers lots of space to chat, watch, and socialize.

One more night is in the works – Thursday, 80s night at Neighbors, 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. You can check Facebook for these venues for more current info, or email Mr. Gallagher at

Feel free to share with any Bryant family, past or present.

Bryant Caregiver Survey Results and School Advocacy Help Needed

Thank you to those who completed the Bryant Elementary School Climate Survey for Caregivers 2022-2023!  We received 136 responses this year surpassing last year’s 127.  This information from the community helps identify areas of concern and needs from community members to inform PTSA activities.

The top school concerns identified through the survey are:

  • The availability of extended/advanced learning resources; and
  • The quantity and quality of information and communication provided regarding student performance and assessments. 
  • In terms of school climate, some families had concerns regarding feeling “seen” by the school.

As the Bryant PTSA considers options to advocate regarding concerns about the extended/advanced learning resources at the school, for parents who would like to help promote this issue, please email

We also need some folks to join the PTSA Advocacy Committee to help continue to advocate for the policies, funding, and programs that support the school. Please consider joining this important effort and email Thanks!

2022-2023 Bryant Elementary School Climate Survey for Caregivers

Please Complete the 2022-2023 Bryant Elementary School Climate Survey for Caregivers
The Bryant PTSA has established an annual initiative to compile data from parents and caregivers of students at the school through a 3-5 minute survey of the school climate.  We plan to use this data to determine future state and district advocacy and family engagement efforts.  This survey, in part, follows the approach of the SPS “School Climate” surveys that 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students participate in during class each fall.

This survey aims to help assess the degree to which the school, the district, and the state are meeting their core commitments to students and the degree to which students have positive social relationships, are respected and engaged in their work, and feel safe and competent.  

The survey can be completed here. The deadline for completion is Friday, May 12th.  Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your family’s experience.

A How to Blast 2023 Guide

Admission is Free!

Click to Enlarge

Pre-Sale for tickets is going on now through May 3rd.  Pick up pre-orders after school on Thursday and Friday before the Blast.  Or pick up the day of the Blast at the East Gate will call.

Raffle Basket Tickets will be available for purchase in the cafeteria on May 6th.  


Outside:  gaga ball, glitter tattoos, face painting, and MORE!

Entertainment: DJ Chris, The Not-It’s!, Alpha Martial Arts Demo, Roosevelt Cheerleaders, Eckstein Jazz Band

Inside: Carnival Games, Cake Raffle, Raffle baskets, and MORE!


We Blast regardless of the weather.  Dress for the rain, sun, heat, and cold!

Questions?  Please email

Family Art Night, Thursday, April 27, 6-8 p.m.

Family Art Night, Thursday, April 27, 6-8 p.m.

Family Art Night (FAN) is a beloved Bryant PTSA event which began in 2014. This will be the first FAN since 2019.  The goal of the event is to promote the arts in the Bryant’s community through the exhibition of students’ artwork in the halls, art activities in the gym and cafeteria, and a performance showcase. 

  • Try cardboard sculpting, encaustics, rock painting, visual poetry, and more art activity tables in the gym and cafeteria! 
  • Explore the student artwork on display in the hallways and art room. 
  • Make art with Bryant’s art teacher, Ms. Kristen, and Artists-in-Residence, Ms. Elaine and Ms. Kari. 
  • Enjoy listening to the Bryant choir and watching performances on stage. 


This FREE event will take place on Thursday, April 27th, from 6-8pm. The theme is EARTH celebration. 


Want to show off your art?

CALLING ALL BRYANT STUDENTS to be a part of the 7th Annual Family Art Night!


For more information and instructions on how to submit your art click here: Family Art Night Information and Submission Form

* Art must be submitted by 4/19/23

Bryant After School Enrichment (ASE) Program Registration Opens April 1!

The Bryant After School Enrichment (ASE) Program opens this weekend for registration, at

Classes are available to preview on the site before registration by navigating to “Classes by School”:”Bryant Elementary”:”Current”.  Please note that details are not final and may change prior to the opening of registration.  Please review carefully once registration opens before completing your purchase.

Registration will open at noon on Saturday April 1st and will be entirely online on a first come, first served basis.  The Spring program includes classes in:

  • Ceramics
  • Spanish
  • Found Object Art
  • Minecraft
  • Artist Trading Cards
  • Guitar
  • Art/Games for Early Dismissal
  • Math
  • Robotics
  • Taiko Drumming
  • Animutants

Classes will begin the week of April 24th and run through the last week of the school year.  Most classes are scheduled from 2:30 to 3:30 pm.  On Wednesdays classes start right after early dismissal.

Bryant Blast is Back on May 6!

Bryant Blast is Back on May 6!

After a pandemic hiatus, we’re excited to bring back an exciting Bryant community tradition, the Bryant Blast! The Blast will be held on May 6 from 12 – 4 pm. Plan for entertainment, fun carnival-style games and activities, face painting, tasty food, and much, much more!


Do you want to help plan the Blast? We’ll be sending a sign-up for volunteer shifts right after Spring Break. So, if you have a favorite job at the Blast, you can sign up early! Contact the Blast Committee at if you’re interested in helping.


Volunteers & Donations Needed for Spring Service Day this Saturday

April 1st, 10am – 12pm

We need your support to make the HIP packing party a success! Please sign-up to donate food and/or sign-up for a short, 30 minute volunteer shift. More info about all the awesome opportunities for your family to participate on Spring Service Day and Sign-Up Genius links are below. Thank you for getting involved, giving back, and helping community!

Ways to Participate:

Help put together Healthy HIP Packs for the Hunger Intervention Program

Kids and families are invited to assemble food packs in the cafeteria (no RSVP needed). Bryant’s Student Hunger Service Project is excited to bring this opportunity back for the first time since COVID!

Volunteers are needed to help the packing party run smoothly. 30 minute volunteer slots are available for adults, kids and caregiver/kid pairs.


Donate food items for the Healthy HIP Packs (food donations due by 3/30)

Please review the list of food items needed and sign up for the quantity you can donate to ensure we have the right amount for each pack. 


Plant seeds and work in the Bryant Garden

Please RSVP so we know who is coming!

GARDEN WORK PARTY:Garden Work Party Sign-Up Genius

Join the Move-A-Thon activity stations

Move-A-Thon happens on the Bryant playground in support of the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance. If you would like to help plan or run the Move-A-Thon activities, please sign-up here:

Donate grocery gift cards for our sister school

Cards will be distributed to their students for Spring Break. Bring $25 QFC/Kroger gift cards to the event or donate online

We are excited to come together to build community, celebrate the beginning of spring, give back, and have fun! Donut and beverages will be provided.