Seussical News– Week 3

Greetings Seussical parents!

Here’s your Seussical week 3 newsletter. Please read all of it. This is how we will communicate important news for the coming week.

Rehearsal Reminders:  Regular rehearsals this week, Monday & Thursday 6:15-8:00. Please remind your kids to bring their scripts, a pencil, and a water bottle to all rehearsals. Remind them to put their name in dark ink on their script’s front cover so that they can make sure to grab the correct script at the end of rehearsal. There is no formal snack break. Please make sure your students are fed before rehearsal. 

Ads for the Program: Each student gets a quarter page ad in the play program included with the play fee. You also have the option of purchasing more ad space. Please see the attachment for all the details. Deadline is February 29.  

More Volunteer Opportunities: Please take a look at the Sign Up Genius for more available volunteer slots. We are in need of a 4th grade parent to fill one slot this Thursday, the 30th. A 5th grade parent forgot it was the Eckstein open house. We also have new slots available for flat painting (set pieces) and costume parade monitors in February. We will have a lot more information for you in the coming week about costumes, but if you would like to help keep the process of checking costumes organized and running smoothly, this volunteer opportunity is for you! 

Rehearsal Chaperones: 

  • Timing is everything—  Please be in the lunch room a little before 6:00pm. Check in with Seattle’s Performers staff. Plan to stay until all students have been picked up. Hopefully this will be shortly after 8:00pm (PLEASE BE ON TIME TO PICK UP YOUR KIDS). Seattle’s Performers staff are not responsible for the kids after 8:00pm and will not be staying on site after that. 
  • Chaperones, it is your responsibility to stay with any stragglers until they find their grown up. We recommend one chaperone waiting in the lunchroom and the other 2 leaving out of separate doors (playground door and front doors) with an eye for lost children. If you see kids who aren’t with a grown up or don’t know where they are supposed to be, send them back into the lunchroom and the third chaperone waiting there can help problem solve. 
  • Absent students— Please come to rehearsal with your cell phone (if you don’t have one, email us and we can problem solve). After Seattle Performers staff call role they will give you the names of those who are absent. Please text these names to Liza on Mondays 206.240.4818 and Traci on Thursdays 206.816.2362. That’s all! We will text you back only if there is follow up.

Bryant Play Webpage: The webpage is up and running for Seussical! This is a handy one stop shop for all your Seussical needs. These newsletters will be posted there, so no need to sift through your email– just bookmark this webpage! You can also find such hits as: Suessical rehearsal calendar, play fee payment link, Sign Up Genius link, link to vocals and more! 

Email with questions, 

Stay tuned for next week’s installment of Seussical News.