December 9, 2014
Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly
In Attendance:
Jon Tuttle, Leann Huntington, Meghan Delaney, Dan Sanger, Becky Mackle, Lauren Abraham, Amy Shanafelt, Meta Godsell, Kim Love, Kim Larsen, Ann-Marie Spata, Anne Aliverti, Michelle Ireton, Matthew Parker, Laura Larkin, Ellen Gryj, Carleen Confer, Samantha Fogg, Caitlin Angeloff, Drew Angeloff, Michael Sawicki, Christine Robertson, Joan Crooks, Caryn Park
Welcome and Introduction Meghan Delaney & Leeann Huntington
Approve November Board Meeting Minutes
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report Lauren Abraham & Amy Shanafelt
- Legislative Report Joan Crooks
Special Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
- Tech Coordinator Position Meghan Delaney & Leeann Huntington
Amy Shanafelt motions to approve funding for the Tech Coordinator Position for .55FTE, not to exceed $15,000 from February 3, 2015 to end of school year. Jon Tuttle seconded. Motion passes.
New Business
- Community Service projects Caryn Park
Caryn talks about what the Community Service program has been doing and expects to ask the board for funding sometime in the future.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:17 pm
- Motion #1
Amy Shanafelt motions to approve funding for the Tech Coordinator Position for .55FTE, not to exceed $15,000 from February 3, 2015 to end of school year. Jon Tuttle seconded. Motion passes.