May 12, 2015
Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly
In Attendance:
Leeann Huntington, Kate Speizer, Patricia Parker, Sam Fogg, Julie Honeywell, Ann-Marie Spata, Heather Kokorowski, Anne Conklin, Sarah Fox, Becky Mackle, Kathy Hughes, Meta Godsell, Kim Larsen, Katie Hansen, Lauren March, Carleen Confer, Amy Shanafelt, Lauren Abraham, April Wright, Zinta Smidchens, Joan Crooks, Jon Tuttle, Michelle Ireton, Meghan Delaney, Laura Larkin, Charise Randell, Jennifer Mahlum, Julianna Batho, Julie Ohrazda, Maggie Sweeney, Pamela Kurtz, Susan Roden
Welcome and Introduction Leeann Huntington & Meghan Delaney
Approve April Board Meeting Minutes
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report Lauren Abraham & Amy Shanafelt
1,350 People attended the Bryant Blast and it raised approximately $16,000. The online auction will close this evening and will add to the revenue.
- Legislative Report Joan Crooks
Special Committee Reports
- 2015 Bryant Blast Recap Julie Ohrazda
- 2015-16 Budget Lauren Abraham & Amy Shanafelt
Motion to approve by Joan Crooks that the proposed 2015-16 Budget will be presented next month at the General Board Meeting. Seconded by Kathy Hughes seconds. All Approved.
Special Orders
New Business
- Request to Fund the Purchase of Emergency Supplies Heather Kokorowski
Motion to approve by Amy Shanafelt and seconded by Becky Mackle to fund the purchase of the highest priority classroom emergency supplies for $3,145.48. All Approved.
- Request to Fund the Purchase of a Hand Bell Zinta Smidchens
The Hand Bell Choir needs a F3 Bell and it is requested that the Board partially fund the purchase. Zinta requests $583.58 of the $1,438.58 to purchase this bell. This is tabled until the June Meeting for Zinta to look into the Choir/Handbell unused funds.
- 2015-2016 events calendar Leeann Huntington
Board will discuss and hear from committees about moving the Blast and Teacher Appreciation dates for next year.
- LASER Registration Process Meghan Delaney
The Board will hear from Parents about the recent LASER registration and discuss channels for feedback. Meghan asks if parents want to meet with LASER and the School Administration to come up with some solutions on registration process and the unmet need.
- Motion #1
Motion to approve by Amy Shanafelt and seconded by Becky Mackle to fund the purchase of the highest priority classroom emergency supplies for $3,145.48. All Approved. - Motion #2
Motion to approve by Joan Crooks that the proposed 2015-16 Budget will be presented next month at the General Board Meeting. Seconded by Kathy Hughes seconds. All Approved.
Meeting Adjourned 9:26