June 9, 2015
Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly
In Attendance:
Leeann Huntington, Kim Love, Meta Godsell, Amy Shanafelt, Lauren Abraham, Sam Fogg, Megan Delaney, April Wright, Maggie Sweeney, Kate Speizer, Janie Booth, Trudy Springer, Julie Honeywell, Joan Crooks, Jenny Estep, Liza Caputo, Michaela Rednuhk, Ann-Marie Spata, Becky Mackle, Carleen Confer, Charise Randell, Kim Larsen, Julie Ohrzada, Elida Moran, Heather Kokorowski, Patricia Parker, Jennifer Mahlum, Michelle Ireton
Welcome and Introduction Meghan Delaney
Approve March General Meeting Minutes
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report Amy Shanafelt
$22,200 was the final amount raised by the Bryant Blast.
- Legislative Report Joan Crooks
Special Committee Reports
- 2015-16 PTSA Officers Nominating Committee
President – Leann Huntington
Vice President – Julie Honeywell
Treasurers- Lauren Abraham and Jennifer Mahlum
Secretaries-Kim Love and Rachel Shaw
Volunteer Coordinators-Janie Booth and Kate Speizer
Legistlative Chair – Joan Crooks
Members at Large – Megan Delaney and Amy Shanafelt
Teacher Representatives – Carleen Confer, Amy Alphin and Patricia Parker
Jenny Estep motions to approve the 2015-16 PTSA Officers and Elida Moran seconds. All approved.
- 2015-16 PTSA Budget
Motion to approve $500 for Multi-Arts Classroom Supplies by Samantha Fogg and Patricia Parker seconds. All Approved.
Amy Shanafelt motions to approve the 2015-16 Budget as proposed. Seconded by Joan Crooks. All Approved.
7:30 Meeting Adjourned
- Motion #1
Jenny Estep motions to approve the 2015-16 PTSA Officers and Elida Moran seconds. All approved. - Motion#2
Motion to approve $500 for Multi-Arts Classroom Supplies by Samantha Fogg and Patricia Parker seconds. All Approved. - Motion#3
Amy Shanafelt motions to approve the 2015-16 Budget as proposed. Seconded by Joan Crooks. All Approved.
Volunteer & Teacher Recognition Kate Speizer & Janie Booth
- New Teacher Recognition Award
Clara Johnson and Tiffany Bodine - Special Math Award
Susan Roden, and Mark Batho, Andrea Peng - Without You This Place Would Crumble and Fall Award
Julie Ohrzada and Trudy Springer - Unsung Hero Award
Kim Love and Kathy Hughes - Volunteer Extraordinaire Award
Amy Shanafelt and Jenny Estep - Golden Acorn Award
Staff: Ann-Marie Spata - Golden Acorn Award
Volunteer: Maggie Sweeney