Updated as of November 2, 2020
Below are resources compiled to assist during COVID-19 and remote learning.
Should you have any additions, please email webteam@bryantschool.org.
In need of help?
Free Breakfast and Lunch at Bryant
Bryant Families In Need Program
Are you a Bryant Elementary family in need of financial assistance, during the COVID-19 school closures? Please reach out to the Families in Need program. Please contact Heather Snookal, Assistant Principal via email only at hasnookal@seattleschools.org.
Seattle Council PTSA – COVID-19 Outreach Form
Individual families can fill out the form if you need groceries purchased, medicines delivered, internet connectivity, childcare information, tutoring, etc.. Please also fill out the form if you can offer to purchase items, delivering supplies, donating items, offering to tutor remotely, other skills, etc.. Circulate this link widely via email and social media.
Safety and Health at Home
Mental health and crisis support resources: https://www.seattleschools.org/resources/health_and_wellness/mental_health_and_substance_use_support
New Beginnings, which is working to end domestic violence. Among other services, they offer a 24-hour helpline (206-522-9472) to anyone needing support or advice.
SPS Safety & Security: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/safety_security/resources
List of Additional Resources for Aid
Need Childcare?
List of Child Care Options from Seattle Public Schools: https://www.seattleschools.org/district/calendars/news/what_s_new/coronavirus_update/resources/child_care
Wallingford +View Ridge Boys and Girls Club is stepping in with childcare services during the closure: https://positiveplace.org/2020/03/extended-programming/
Help for accessing school resources online
Tech Support Needed?
- Check out this Bryant Family Tech FAQ to address common issues faced by families this fall.
- Contact BryantTech@bryantschool.org with any additional questions or issues.
SPS Tech Support
SPS is experiencing high volumes on the Student Tech line phone number: 206-252-0100 and at the two Technology Support sites in our area (Appointments are not needed to visit these sites.):
- John Marshall Alternative High at 520 NE Ravenna Blvd.
- Nathan Hale High School at 10750 30th Ave. NE
For additional assistance, send an email to: laptops@seattleschools.org.
Read about temporary technology resource centers.
Read about getting started with technology for remote learning.
Internet Assistance is available.
To make sure all our families have access to the latest start of school updates and resources including technology supports, the district has also created web pages in each of Seattle’s top six languages: Amharic, Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Accessing SPS Electronic Resources
These directions will access Seattle Schools’ collection of free online resources, such as Tumblebooks, PebbleGo, and Britannica Online. Many of our teachers have used these with students, so they will be familiar. Need more help? Email Ms. Anne Aliverti at ahaliverti@seattleschools.org and she will help walk you through the setup.
Accessing SPS eBooks: These directions will access our eBooks. Need more help? Email Ms. Anne Aliverti at ahaliverti@seattleschools.org and she will help walk you through the setup.
Accessing Bryant’s Capstone eBooks: These directions will access a collection of 50 electronic/audiobooks available only through the Bryant library catalog. I especially like the Capstone eBooks, as they have the best audio/read-aloud feature. Also, Bryant Library has unlimited access to these, so users don’t need to worry about closing them when finished. Need more help? Email Ms. Anne Aliverti at ahaliverti@seattleschools.org and she will help walk you through the setup.
Libby Instructions for Seattle Public Library at Home: For those with a Seattle Public Library card, these directions will access audio or eBooks from Seattle Public Library. Need more help? Email Ms. Anne Aliverti at ahaliverti@seattleschools.org and she will help walk you through the setup.
Bryant Tech Lab to access learning resources and online applications: http://bryanttechlab.snappages.com/
Additional resources for online learning
FREE online tutoring through Seattle Public Library:
The Seattle Public Library is launching a partnership with Tutor.com! Access more than 3,000 highly-vetted expert tutors, who can help with a variety of subjects in a safe and secure online classroom. 1-1 help is available in math, writing, science, history, foreign languages, college essay writing, Advanced Placement (AP) courses and more.
- Available 7 days a week, 2-10 p.m. in Spanish/English and 4-7 p.m. in Vietnamese
- Students can use their microphone to communicate with tutors.
- Older students (and adults!) can get help filling out job applications and writing cover letters and resumes.
All you need to do is go to www.spl.org/VirtualTutoring and log in with your library card and pin or your Library Link number and pin to connect (learn how to convert your Student ID from the Source to a Library Link number)!
Online Education Companies that are offering free access right now: https://www.amazingeducationalresources.com/
Chart of additional resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lKprPPTjVSmg4xrR2E9zJTXdSlaF_Rmc8MOjwPlbJBU/edit
Want to help?
Want to match your Bryant support by donating resources to other student-focused organizations in Seattle?
- The Right Now Needs Fund–a partnership between the Alliance for Education and Amazon has the mission of giving to school communities enhanced capacity to meet the urgent and basic needs of students in Seattle Public Schools, with a goal of reducing the most basic barriers to student learning. Each school in Seattle Public Schools will have access to funds to enhance the capacity to remove basic barriers to student learning. For more information, visit:
http://www.alliance4ed.org/connect-with-us/right-now-needs-fund/ .- To donate visit: https://www.alliance4ed.org/connect-with-us/donate/afe/
- SPS families rely on many volunteer-powered community organizations. Visit https://www.uwkc.org/volunteer to help local service providers affected by COVID-19 volunteer shortages.
- Wallingford & View Ridge Boys and Girls Club is stepping in with childcare services during the closure, also needs donations: https://positiveplace.org/2020/03/extended-programming/
- United Way, which will be providing meals to school children and helping families stay housed https://www.uwkc.org/news/coronavirus-what-we-are-doing/
- Seattle YMCA: https://www.seattleymca.org/about
- Seattle Council PTSA: Tell us how you can HELP – whether purchasing items, delivering supplies, donating old laptops / tablets / cell phones, offering childcare, offering tutoring or anything else. We know your capacity to help may change over time. Those offering help will be added to an email list that we will ping as needs arise. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejTHasHlniTotcinLIdG09wlAg33MkHY06KO30w5-ebBF-8g/viewform
Supporting families helps students
Donate to food distribution non-profits like food banks and Lifelines. Food banks often have a list of urgently needed items on their website.
- The University District Food Bank: https://www.udistrictfoodbank.org/donate/food/
- FamilyWorks Family Resource Center and Food Banks: https://familyworksseattle.org/coronavirus-response/
- North Helpline Emergency Services and Food Bank: https://www.northhelpline.org/
- Mary’s Place Seattle: https://www.marysplaceseattle.org/
- Ballard Food Bank https://www.northhelpline.org/
Check-in on your family, friends, and neighbors.A phone call goes a long way, especially for those in our community who are health compromised and can’t leave the house. Set up a text thread with your neighbors if it’s helpful. Delivering groceries or offering to cook a warm meal are also nice gestures.
For those who want to give directly to COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 Response Fund through the Seattle Foundation: “A coalition of philanthropy, government, and business partners have joined together to create a COVID-19 Response Fund that will rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations at the frontlines of the region’s coronavirus outbreak.”
Donate blood: https://www.bloodworksnw.org/donate/locations
Additional Needs
Resolution To End Homelessness has a list of organizations that are on the front lines getting services to poor and homeless folks (at the time of writing this (3/11) the pages are down but they are working to resolve the problem). It also has a list of some of the donations and services those organization requests. http://r2endhomelessness.org/
Other Resources
New FB Group: Seattle Parents Helping Parents During COVID-19 Outbreak
Public Health Resources
King County’s Guidelines for gatherings of children and youth while schools are closed
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction https://www.k12.wa.us/about-ospi/press-releases/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-resources
Public Health Seattle & King County Novel Coronavirus Archives https://publichealthinsider.com/category/novel-coronavirus/
WA State DOH COVID-19 page https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus
WHO COVID-19 Outbreak page https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
Political Office Resources
Representative Jayapal’s Office https://jayapal.house.gov/services/coronavirus-update/
Governor’s Office Resource List for Washington Workers Impacted by COVID-19 https://www.governor.wa.gov/coronavirus-resource-list-businesses-and-workers